BOINC provides mechanisms for making installers that configure the client to contact a particular account manager or project the first time the Manager is run. These mechanisms work by having the installer create configuration files in the BOINC directory. There are several possible configuration files: "; list_start(); list_item("acct_mgr_url.xml", "Contains the name and URL of an account manager; the format is described here." ); list_item("acct_mgr_login.xml", "Contains credentials (name/password) for the account manager identified in acct_mgr_url.xml. the format is described here." ); $x = html_text( " PROJECT_URL PROJECT_NAME [ KEY ] "); list_item("project_init.xml", "Specifies a project and optionally an account. The format is $x" ); list_end(); echo "

The process of making an installer with a particular configuration file depends on the platform:

The startup logic of the BOINC manager is as follows:

if the core client is not attached to any projects
    if acct_mgr_url.xml exists
        if acct_mgr_login.xml exists
            issue acct mgr RPC
            if new projects
                show projects attached
                show 'go to site and pick projects' dialog
            jump into acct mgr wizard at get_project_config stage
    else if project_init.xml exists
        jump into attach project wizard at get_project_config stage
        if have account_key
            skip prompt for name/password
            go to attach_project RPC
        start attach_project wizard
        if URL is that of an acct mgr,
        go to acct mgr wizard
"; page_tail(); ?>