<?php include_once( "../inc/db.inc" ); include_once( "../inc/util.inc" ); include_once( "../inc/prefs.inc" ); include_once( "../inc/queue.inc" ); db_init(); $user = get_logged_in_user(); $timestr = time_str(time(0)); $title = "Personal job list of ".$user -> name." at ".$timestr; page_head( $title ); $alljobs = all_jobs_of_user( $user ); $njobs = mysql_num_rows( $alljobs ); start_table(); if( $njobs ) { if( $njobs > 1 ) row1( "You have ".$njobs." jobs listed !<br>" ); else row1( "You have ".$njobs." job listed !<br>" ); end_table(); start_table(); row5( "<b>Job #</b>", "<b>Job submit time</b>", "<b>Job status</b>", "<b>Job name</b>", "<b>Job ID</b>" ); for( $jobindex = 0; $jobindex < $njobs; ++$jobindex ) { $job = mysql_fetch_object( $alljobs ); $workunitquery = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM workunit WHERE id=".$job -> workunit ); if( $workunitquery ) { $workunit = mysql_fetch_object( $workunitquery ); if( $workunit ) { $prefix = '<a href="queue_show_job.php?workunitid='.$job -> workunit.'">'; $workunitname = $prefix.workunit_name( $workunit ).'</a>'; $status = workunit_status_string( $workunit ); if( $status == "running" ) $status = "<font color='green'><b>".$status."</b></font>"; if( $status == "queued" ) $status = "<font color='blue'><b>".$status."</b></font>"; if( $status == "ERROR" ) $status = "<font color='red'><b>".$status."</b></font>"; $jobsubmittime = time_str( $workunit -> create_time ); } else { $workunitname = "<font color='red'>WORKUNIT NOT FOUND IN DATABASE</font>"; $status = "<font color='red'>UNKNOWN</font>"; $jobsubmittime = "<font color='red'>UNKNOWN</font>"; } mysql_free_result( $workunitquery ); } $workunitstring = "<a href=workunit.php?wuid=".$job -> workunit.">".$job -> workunit."</a>"; row5( $jobindex+1, $jobsubmittime, $status, $workunitname, $workunitstring ); } } else row1("You have NO jobs listed !<br>"); end_table(); $max_jobs = max_nr_of_jobs_of_user( $user ); if( $max_jobs > $njobs ) { if( $max_jobs - $njobs > 1 ) $line = 'You can submit '.( $max_jobs - $njobs ).' more jobs: '; else $line = 'You can submit one more job: '; start_table(); row1( "Commands" ); row2( $line, '<a href="queue_new_job_form.php">Submit a job</a>' ); row2( "", '<a href="home.php">Your account</a>' ); row2( "", '<a href="hosts_user.php">Your computers</a>' ); row2( "", '<a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ); end_table(); } else exit_with_text( "You cannot submit any more jobs, you have reached your limit, clean up first !" ); page_tail(); ?>