. require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); require_once("../inc/db_ops.inc"); db_init(); $detail = null; $show_aggregate = false; $nresults = get_int("nresults", true); $entries_to_show = get_int("entries_to_show", true); $last_pos = get_int("last_pos", true); $table = get_str("table", true); $detail = get_str("detail", true); $clauses = get_str("clauses", true); if (strstr($clauses, ";")) error_page("bad clause"); $q = new SqlQueryString(); $q->process_form_items(); if (isset($nresults)) { $entries_to_show = $nresults; } else { $entries_to_show = 20; } $page_entries_to_show = $entries_to_show; if (isset($last_pos)) { $start_at = $last_pos; } else { $start_at = 0; } $title = table_title($table); admin_page_head($title); $count = $q->count(); if ($count < $start_at + $entries_to_show) { $entries_to_show = $count - $start_at; } $last = $start_at + $entries_to_show; $main_query = $q->get_select_query($entries_to_show, $start_at); // For display, convert query string characters < and > into 'html form' so // that they will be displayed. // $html_text=str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('>', '>', $main_query)); echo "
Query: $html_text
\n"; $start_1_offset = $start_at + 1; echo "
$count records match the query. Displaying $start_1_offset to $last.
"; $url = $q->get_url("db_action.php"); if ($detail) { $url .= "&detail=$detail"; } //echo "
if ($start_at) {
$prev_pos = $start_at - $page_entries_to_show;
if ($prev_pos < 0) {
$prev_pos = 0;
echo "
Previous $page_entries_to_show "; } echo " | ";
if ($last < $count) {
echo "
Next $page_entries_to_show "; } echo " |
\n"; if ($table == "host") { if ($show_aggregate) { $query = "select sum(d_total) as tot_sum, sum(d_free) as free_sum, sum(m_nbytes) as tot_mem from host"; if ($clauses) { $query .= " WHERE $clauses"; } $result = mysql_query($query); $disk_info = mysql_fetch_object($result); $dt = $disk_info->tot_sum/(1024*1024*1024); $df = $disk_info->free_sum/(1024*1024*1024); $mt = $disk_info->tot_mem/(1024*1024); $dt = round($dt, 2); $df = round($df, 2); $mt = round($mt, 2); echo "
Sum of total disk space on these hosts: | $dt GB |
Sum of available disk space on these hosts: | $df GB |
Sum of memory on these hosts: | $mt MB |
"; } } $result = mysql_query($main_query); if ($result) { if ($detail == "low") { start_table(); switch($table) { case "result": result_short_header(); break; case "host": host_short_header(); break; case "app_version": app_version_short_header(); break; case "workunit": workunit_short_header(); break; } } while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($detail == "low") { switch ($table) { case "result": show_result_short($res); break; case "host": show_host_short($res); break; case "app_version": show_app_version_short($res); break; case "workunit": show_workunit_short($res); break; } } else { switch ($table) { case "platform": show_platform($res); break; case "app": show_app($res); break; case "app_version": show_app_version($res); break; case "host": show_host($res); break; case "workunit": show_workunit($res); break; case "result": show_result($res); break; case "team": show_team($res); break; case "user": show_user($res); break; } } } if ($detail == "low" || $table == "profile") { end_table(); } mysql_free_result($result); } else { echo "