Account Creation is Disabled

Account creation is disabled for ".PROJECT." at the moment. Please try again later.

"; page_tail(); exit(); } echo "

"; printf(tr(CREATE_AC_READ_RULES), "".tr(RULES_TITLE)."");echo "

"; printf(tr(CREATE_AC_ALREADY_GOT), "".tr(AC_CREATED_TITLE).""); echo "

"; $teamid = get_int("teamid", true); if ($teamid) { $team = lookup_team($teamid); $user = lookup_user_id($team->userid); if (!$user) { echo "No such user"; } else { echo "This account will belong the team id>$team->name and will have the project preferences of its founder.

"; echo " "; } } start_table(); row2( tr(CREATE_AC_NAME)."
".tr(CREATE_AC_NAME_DESC)."", "" ); row2( tr(CREATE_AC_EMAIL)."
".tr(CREATE_AC_EMAIL_DESC)."", "" ); row2_init( tr(CREATE_AC_COUNTRY)."
".tr(CREATE_AC_COUNTRY_DESC)."", "\n"; row2( tr(CREATE_AC_ZIP)."
".tr(OPTIONAL).".", "" ); row2("", "" ); end_table(); echo "

"; page_tail(); ?>