"); mysql_select_db($db_name); } function lookup_user_auth($auth) { $result = mysql_query("select * from user where authenticator='$auth'"); if ($result) { $user = mysql_fetch_object($result); mysql_free_result($result); return $user; } else { return 0; } } function print_query_count($query, $nres, $start) { $result = mysql_query($query); $res = mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($res->cnt < ($nres+$start)) { $nres = $res->cnt-$start; } printf( "

\n" . "$res->cnt database entries match the query. Displaying $start to " . ($start+$nres) . "." . "

\n" ); } function show_platform($platform) { start_table(); row("ID", $platform->id); row("Created", time_str($platform->create_time)); row("Name", $platform->name); row("","id>App versions for this platform"); end_table(); } function show_app($app) { start_table(); row("ID", $app->id); row("Created", time_str($app->create_time)); row("Name", $app->name); row("","id>App Versions for this application"); row("","id>Workunits for this application"); end_table(); } function show_app_version($app_version,$show_xml_docs) { start_table(); row("ID", $app_version->id); row("Created", time_str($app_version->create_time)); row("Application", "appid>" . app_name_by_id($app_version->appid) . ""); row("Version num", $app_version->version_num); row("Platform", "platformid>" . platform_name_by_id($app_version->platformid) . "" ); if ($show_xml_docs) { row("XML doc", "

"); } row("Min_core_version", $app_version->min_core_version); row("Max_core_version", $app_version->max_core_version); row("Message", $app_version->message); row("Deprecated", $app_version->deprecated); end_table(); } function show_host($host) { start_table(); row("Created", time_str($host->create_time)); row("Total credit", $host->total_credit); row("Average credit", $host->expavg_credit); row("Average update time", time_str($host->expavg_time)); row("IP address", "$host->last_ip_addr
(same the last $host->nsame_ip_addr times)"); row("Domain name", $host->domain_name); $x = $host->timezone/3600; row("Time zone", "UTC - $x hours"); row("Number of CPUs", $host->p_ncpus); row("CPU", "$host->p_vendor $host->p_model"); row("FP ops/sec", $host->p_fpops); row("Int ops/sec", $host->p_iops); row("memory bandwidth", $host->p_membw); row("Operating System", "$host->os_name $host->os_version"); $x = $host->m_nbytes/(1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); row("Memory", "$y MB"); $x = $host->m_cache/1024; $y = round($x, 2); row("Cache", "$y KB"); $x = $host->m_swap/(1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); row("Swap Space", "$y MB"); $x = $host->d_total/(1024*1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); row("Total Disk Space", "$y GB"); $x = $host->d_free/(1024*1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); row("Free Disk Space", "$y GB"); row("Avg network bandwidth (upstream)", "$host->n_bwup bytes/sec"); row("Avg network bandwidth (downstream)", "$host->n_bwdown bytes/sec"); row("Number of RPCs", $host->rpc_seqno); row("Last RPC", time_str($host->rpc_time)); row("% of time client on", 100*$host->on_frac." %"); row("% of time host connected", 100*$host->connected_frac." %"); row("% of time user active", 100*$host->active_frac." %"); end_table(); } function wu_error_mask_str($s) { $x = ""; if ($s & 1) $x = $x."Couldn't send result; "; if ($s & 2) $x = $x."Too many errors (may have bug); "; if ($s & 4) $x = $x."Too many results (may be nondeterministic)"; $x = $x."
"; return $x; } function assimilate_state_str($s) { switch($s) { case 0: return "Initial"; case 1: return "Ready to assimilate"; case 2: return "Assimilated"; } } function file_delete_state_str($s) { switch($s) { case 0: return "Initial"; case 1: return "Ready to delete"; case 2: return "Deleted"; } } function show_workunit($wu,$show_xml_doc) { start_table(); row("Created", time_str($wu->create_time)); row("Name", $wu->name); if ($show_xml_doc) { row("XML doc", "
"); } row("Application", "appid>" . app_name_by_id($wu->appid) . ""); row("Batch", $wu->batch); row("FP Operations", $wu->rsc_fpops); row("Integer Operations", $wu->rsc_iops); row("Memory Requirement", $wu->rsc_memory); row("Disk Requirement", $wu->rsc_disk); row("Need validate?", $wu->need_validate?"yes":"no"); row("Canonical resultid", $wu->canonical_resultid); row("Canonical credit", $wu->canonical_credit); row("Timeout check time", time_str($wu->timeout_check_time)); row("Delay bound", $wu->delay_bound); row("Error mask", wu_error_mask_str($wu->error_mask)); row("File delete state", file_delete_state_str($wu->file_delete_state)); row("Assimilation state", assimilate_state_str($wu->assimilate_state)); row("","id>Show associated results"); end_table(); echo "

"; } function result_server_state_string($s) { switch($s) { case 1: return "Inactive"; case 2: return "Unsent"; case 4: return "In Progress"; case 5: return "Over"; } return "unknown"; } function result_outcome_string($s) { switch($s) { case 1: return "Success"; case 2: return "Couldn't send"; case 3: return "Client error"; case 4: return "No reply"; case 5: return "Didn't need"; } return "unknown"; } function result_client_state_string($s) { switch($s) { case 1: return "Downloading"; case 2: return "Computing"; case 3: return "Uploading"; case 4: return "Done"; } } function validate_state_str($s) { switch($s) { case 0: return "Initial"; case 1: return "Valid"; case 2: return "Invalid"; } return "unknown"; } function show_result($result,$show_xml_docs,$show_stderr,$show_times) { start_table(); if ($show_times) { row("Created", time_str($result->create_time)); row("Sent", time_str($result->sent_time)); row("Received", time_str($result->received_time)); } row("Name", $result->name); row("Workunit", "workunitid>" . wu_name_by_id($result->workunitid) . "" ); row("Server state", result_server_state_string($result->server_state)); row("Outcome", result_outcome_string($result->outcome)); row("Client state", result_client_state_string($result->client_state)); row("Host ID", "hostid>" . host_name_by_id($result->hostid) . ""); row("Report deadline", time_str($result->report_deadline)); row("CPU time", $result->cpu_time); if ($show_xml_docs) { row("XML doc in", "

"); row("XML doc out", "
"); } if ($show_stderr) { row("stderr out", "
"); } row("Batch", $result->batch); row("File delete state", file_delete_state_str($result->file_delete_state)); row("Validate state", validate_state_str($result->validate_state)); row("claimed credit", $result->claimed_credit); row("Granted credit", $result->granted_credit); end_table(); echo "

"; } function show_user($user) { start_table(); row("Created", time_str($user->create_time)); row("Total credit", $user->total_credit); row("Recent averaged credit:", $user->expavg_credit); row("Name", $user->name); row("Email address", $user->email_addr); row("Country", $user->country); row("Postal code", $user->postal_code); row("Total credit", $user->total_credit); row("Average credit", $user->expavg_credit); row("Last average time", time_str($user->expavg_time)); end_table(); } function team_type_string($s) { switch ($s) { case 1: return "Small Company"; case 2: return "Medium Company"; case 3: return "Large Company"; case 4: return "Club"; case 5: return "Primary School"; case 6: return "Secondary School"; case 7: return "Junior College"; case 8: return "University or Department"; case 9: return "Government Agency"; default: return "Unknown"; } } function show_team($team) { start_table(); row("ID", $team->id); row("Team Founder", "userid>" . user_name_by_id($team->userid) . ""); row("Name", $team->name); row("Name (HTML Formatted)", "

" . htmlspecialchars($team->name_html) . "
" ); row("Url", "url>" . $team->url . ""); row("Type", team_type_string($team->type)); row("Description", $team->description); row("", "id>List All Members"); end_table(); } function team_name_by_id($team_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from team where id = $team_id"); $team = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $team->name; } function user_name_by_id($user_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from user where id = $user_id"); $user = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $user->name; } function app_name_by_id($app_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from app where id = $app_id"); $app = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $app->name; } function wu_name_by_id($wu_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from workunit where id = $wu_id"); $wu = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $wu->name; } function platform_name_by_id($plat_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from platform where id = $plat_id"); $plat = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $plat->name; } function host_name_by_id($host_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from host where id = $host_id"); $host = mysql_fetch_object($result); if (!strlen($host->domain_name) && !strlen($host->last_ip_addr)) return "(blank)"; else return $host->domain_name . " (" . $host->last_ip_addr . ")"; } ?>