Overview of BOINC
Participating Donate computing power to BOINC-based projects. Creating BOINC projects Use BOINC to develop distributed applications Developing BOINC Help debug and enhance BOINC software. Other resources Source code: download | CVS. bug-tracking database Non-English sites about BOINC Contact us BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation |
StatusBOINC is under development. We are conducting a beta test of BOINC using the SETI@home and Astropulse applications. The public release will be announced on the SETI@home web site. Several other distributed computing projects are evaluating BOINC. NewsAdded cross-project identification system. Added support for caching of PHP web pages, and restored leaderboard pages. April 12, 2004 Recent fixes and features: trickle messages for long-running work units; benchmarking for hyperthreaded CPUs; don't propagate preferences from hosts to projects; check for file existence before running apps; SOCKS proxy support; separate suspend/resume for network activity; fix race conditions in server; add file compression code. See checkin_notes for details. March 16, 2004 An unauthorized BOINC graphic. February 11, 2004 BOINC is being used at the Scripps Research Institute to run a distributed version of CHARMM (a program for macromolecular simulations). February 1, 2004 BOINC now has an anonymous platform mechanism which 1) allows computers of any type to participate in a BOINC project, and 2) allows participants to run only software they have compiled themselves, should they so desire. January 22, 2004 The BOINC core client now provides a set of RPCs allowing separate GUIs to be developed. Archived news |