// This file is part of BOINC.
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "client_types.h"
#include "file_xfer.h"

// min and max for exponential backoff
// these are multiplied by a random factor .5 .. 1
#define PERS_RETRY_DELAY_MIN    120
#define PERS_RETRY_DELAY_MAX    (3600*6)
#define PERS_GIVEUP             (SECONDS_PER_DAY*90)
    // give up on xfer if this time elapses since last byte xferred

// PERS_FILE_XFER represents a "persistent file transfer",
// i.e. a long-term effort to upload or download a file.
// This may consist of several "episodes",
// which are HTTP operations to a particular server.
// PERS_FILE_XFER manages
// - the choice of data servers
// - the retry and giveup policies
// - restarting partial transfers
// The FILE_INFO has a list of URLs.
// For download, the object attempts to download the file
// from any combination of the URLs.
// For upload, try to upload the file in its entirety to one of the URLs.

// a PERS_FILE_XFER is created and added to pers_file_xfer_set
// 1) when read from the client state file
//   in (FILE_INFO::parse(), CLIENT_STATE::parse_state_file()
// 2) when a FILE_INFO is ready to transfer
//   in CLIENT_STATE::handle_pers_file_xfers()

// a PERS_FILE_XFER p is removed from pers_file_xfer_set and freed
// 1) when p->pers_xfer_done is true
//   in CLIENT_STATE::handle_pers_file_xfers()

// A FILE_XFER is created and added to file_xfer_set and linked from PFX
// 1) in PERS_FILE_XFER::start_xfer()

// A FILE_XFER is erased from file_xfer_set, unlinked from PFX and freed
// 1) when the FILE_XFER is done, in
//   PERS_FILE_XFER::poll()
//   PERS_FILE_XFER::check_giveup()
// 2) user request, in
//   PERS_FILE_XFER::abort()
//   PERS_FILE_XFER::suspend()
// 3) if the FILE_XFER_SET::insert() fails
//   PERS_FILE_XFER::start_xfer()
// NOTE: when this is done, pers_xfer_done is set
// pointers:
//   set in PERS_FILE_XFER::start_xfer()
//    zeroed (see above)
//   set in PERS_FILE_XFER::init()
//   set in FILE_INFO::parse(), CLIENT_STATE::handle_pers_file_xfers()
//   zeroed in PERS_FILE_XFER destructor

    int nretry;
        // # of retries so far
    double first_request_time;
        // time of first transfer request
    void do_backoff();

    bool is_upload;
    double next_request_time;
        // time to next retry the file request
    double time_so_far;
        // Total time there's been an active FILE_XFER for this PFX
        // Currently not used for anything;  not meaningful for throughput
        // because could include repeated transfer
    double last_time;
        // when the above was last updated.
        // Defined only while a transfer is active
    double last_bytes_xferred;
        // Save how much is transferred when transfer isn't active, used
        // to display progress in GUI.
    bool pers_xfer_done;
    FILE_XFER* fxp;
        // nonzero if file xfer in progress
    FILE_INFO* fip;

    int init(FILE_INFO*, bool is_file_upload);
    bool poll();
    void transient_failure(int);
    void permanent_failure(int);
    void abort();
    int write(MIOFILE& fout);
    int parse(XML_PARSER&);
    int create_xfer();
    int start_xfer();
    void suspend();

    FILE_XFER_SET* file_xfers;

    int insert(PERS_FILE_XFER*);
    int remove(PERS_FILE_XFER*);
    bool poll();
    void suspend();
    void add_random_delay(double);
