/* * condor/condor_log.cc * * DC-API utils to read and process condor "user log" file * * (c) Daniel Drotos, 2006 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "user_log.c++.h" #include "dc.h" #include "dc_common.h" #include "condor_log.h" #include "condor_defs.h" #include "condor_event.h" #include "condor_result.h" #include "condor_wu.h" #include "condor_utils.h" void _DC_wu_update_condor_events(DC_Workunit *wu) { ReadUserLog log; GString *fn_org, *fn_tmp; char t[100]; int res; unsigned int i; if (!wu) return; fn_org= g_string_new(wu->data.workdir); fn_org= g_string_append(fn_org, "/"); fn_org= g_string_append(fn_org, _DC_wu_cfg(wu, cfg_condor_log)); strcpy(t, "/tmp/condor_dc_api_XXXXXX"); res= mkstemp(t); fn_tmp= g_string_new(t); close(res); _DC_copyFile(fn_org->str, fn_tmp->str); res= log.initialize(fn_tmp->str); if (!res) { DC_log(LOG_ERR, "Condor user log file reader " "initialization failed for %s", fn_tmp->str); g_string_free(fn_org, TRUE); g_string_free(fn_tmp, TRUE); return; } i= 1; ULogEvent *event; while (log.readEvent(event) == ULOG_OK) { /*printf("%d %s\n", event->eventNumber, ULogEventNumberNames[event->eventNumber]);*/ if (wu->condor_events->len < i) { struct _DC_condor_event e; e.event= event->eventNumber; e.cluster= event->cluster; e.proc= event->proc; e.subproc= event->subproc; e.time= mktime(&(event->eventTime)); e.reported= FALSE; if (e.event == ULOG_JOB_TERMINATED) { class TerminatedEvent *te= dynamic_cast (event); if (te) { e.exit_info.normal= te->normal; e.exit_info.exit_code= te->returnValue; } } if (e.event == ULOG_JOB_ABORTED) { class JobAbortedEvent *ae= dynamic_cast (event); if (ae) { e.abort_info.reason= g_strdup(ae->getReason()); } } if (e.event == ULOG_EXECUTE) { class ExecuteEvent *ae= dynamic_cast (event); if (ae) { e.exec_info.host= g_strdup(ae->executeHost); } } g_array_append_val(wu->condor_events, e); DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Condor event %d %s", event->eventNumber, ULogEventNumberNames[event->eventNumber]); } delete event; i++; } unlink(fn_tmp->str); g_string_free(fn_org, TRUE); g_string_free(fn_tmp, TRUE); return; } DC_MasterEvent * _DC_wu_condor2api_event(DC_Workunit *wu) { unsigned int i; if (!_DC_wu_check(wu)) return(NULL); for (i= 0; i < wu->condor_events->len; i++) { struct _DC_condor_event *ce; ce= &g_array_index(wu->condor_events, struct _DC_condor_event, i); if (ce->reported) continue; ce->reported= TRUE; if (ce->event == ULOG_JOB_TERMINATED) { DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Job terminated, " "asked to susp=%d", wu->asked_to_suspend); GString *s; s= g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(s, "%s/%s", wu->data.workdir, _DC_wu_cfg(wu, cfg_management_box)); char *message; if ((message= _DC_read_message(s->str, _DCAPI_MSG_ACK, FALSE))) { DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Acknowledge exists: %s", message); if (strcmp(message, _DCAPI_ACK_SUSPEND) == 0) { DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Suspend " "acknowledged"); _DC_read_message(s->str, _DCAPI_MSG_ACK, TRUE); wu->asked_to_suspend= TRUE; } } g_string_free(s, TRUE); if (wu->asked_to_suspend) { _DC_wu_set_state(wu, DC_WU_SUSPENDED); wu->asked_to_suspend= FALSE; } else { DC_MasterEvent *e; e= _DC_event_create(wu, _DC_result_create(wu), NULL, NULL); DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Result event created: " "%p for wu (%p-\"%s\")", e, wu, wu->data.name); DC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Result of the event: %p", e->result); _DC_wu_set_state(wu, DC_WU_FINISHED); return(e); } } if (ce->event == ULOG_EXECUTE) { _DC_wu_set_state(wu, DC_WU_RUNNING); } } return(NULL); } int _DC_wu_exit_code(DC_Workunit *wu, int *res) { unsigned int i; if (!_DC_wu_check(wu)) return(DC_ERR_UNKNOWN_WU); if (!res) return(DC_OK); for (i= 0; i < wu->condor_events->len; i++) { struct _DC_condor_event *ce; ce= &g_array_index(wu->condor_events, struct _DC_condor_event, i); if (ce->event == ULOG_JOB_TERMINATED) { *res= ce->exit_info.exit_code; } } return(DC_OK); } /* End of condor_log.cc */ /* Local variables: */ /* c-file-style: "linux" */ /* End: */