. // Users are taken here after creating an account via the Wizard. // They've already entered an email address and password. // Now get a name, country, and zip code require_once('../inc/boinc_db.inc'); require_once('../inc/util.inc'); require_once('../inc/countries.inc'); check_get_args(array("auth")); $auth = get_str("auth"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($auth); if (!$user) { error_page("no such account"); } page_head(tra("Finish account setup")); echo "
"; start_table(); row2( tra("Name")."
".tra("Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname.")."", sprintf('', $user->name) ); row2_init( tra("Country")."
".tra("Select the country you want to represent, if any.")."", '\n"; if (POSTAL_CODE) { row2( tra("Postal or ZIP Code")."
".tra("Optional; not shown to others")."", '' ); } row2("", "" ); end_table(); echo "
"; page_tail();