. // code for one-time database updates goes here. // Don't run this unless you know what you're doing! $cli_only = true; require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); $db = BoincDb::get_aux(false); if (!$db) { echo "Can't open database\n"; exit; } set_time_limit(0); function do_query($query) { echo "Doing query:\n$query\n"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "Failed:\n".mysql_error()."\n"; } else { echo "Success.\n"; } } function update_4_18_2004() { do_query("alter table user add cross_project_id varchar(254) not null"); $result = do_query("select * from user"); while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $x = random_string(); do_query("update user set cross_project_id='$x' where id=$user->id"); } } function update_5_12_2004() { do_query( "create table trickle_up ( id integer not null auto_increment, create_time integer not null, send_time integer not null, resultid integer not null, appid integer not null, hostid integer not null, handled smallint not null, xml text, primary key (id) )" ); do_query( "create table trickle_down ( id integer not null auto_increment, create_time integer not null, resultid integer not null, hostid integer not null, handled smallint not null, xml text, primary key (id) )" ); do_query( "alter table trickle_up add index trickle_handled (appid, handled)" ); do_query( "alter table trickle_down add index trickle_host(hostid, handled)" ); } function update_5_27_2004() { do_query( "alter table host add nresults_today integer not null" ); } function update_6_9_2004() { do_query( "alter table profile change verification verification integer not null" ); } function update_6_15_2004() { do_query( "alter table user add index user_name(name)" ); } function update_7_02_2004() { do_query( "alter table workunit drop column result_template" ); do_query( "alter table workunit add column result_template_file varchar(63) not null" ); do_query( "update workunit set result_template_file='templates/foo.xml'" ); } function update_7_08_2004() { do_query( "alter table result drop index ind_res_st" ); do_query( "alter table add index ind_res_st(server_state)" ); } function update_9_04_2004() { do_query( "insert into forum_preferences (userid, signature, posts) select user.id, user.signature, user.posts from user where user.posts > 0 or user.signature<>''"); } function update_9_05_2004() { do_query( "ALTER TABLE forum_preferences ADD special_user INT NOT NULL" ); } function update_9_26_2004() { do_query( "alter table app add homogeneous_redundancy smallint not null" ); } function update_10_09_2004() { do_query( "alter table forum_preferences add jump_to_unread tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 1" ); do_query( "alter table forum_preferences add hide_signatures tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0" ); do_query( "alter table post add signature tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0" ); } function update_10_25_2004() { do_query( "alter table forum_preferences add rated_posts varchar(254) not null" ); do_query( "alter table forum_preferences add low_rating_threshold integer not null" ); do_query( "alter table forum_preferences add high_rating_threshold integer not null" ); } function update_10_26_2004() { do_query("alter table forum_preferences modify jump_to_unread tinyint(1) unsigned not null default 0"); } function update_11_24_2004() { do_query( "alter table workunit change workseq_next hr_class integer not null" ); do_query( "alter table workunit add priority integer not null" ); do_query( "alter table workunit add mod_time timestamp" ); do_query( "alter table result add priority integer not null" ); do_query( "alter table result add mod_time timestamp" ); do_query( "alter table host drop column projects" ); do_query( "alter table host add avg_turnaround double not null" ); do_query( "alter table result drop index ind_res_st" ); do_query( "alter table result add index ind_res_st(server_state, priority)" ); do_query( "alter table result drop index app_received_time" ); do_query( "alter table result add index app_mod_time(appid, mod_time desc)" ); } // or alternatively: (can run in parallel) function update_11_24_2004_result() { do_query( "alter table result add priority integer not null, " ."add mod_time timestamp, " ."drop index ind_res_st, " ."add index ind_res_st(server_state, priority), " ."drop index app_received_time, " ."add index app_mod_time(appid, mod_time desc)" ); } function update_11_24_2004_workunit() { do_query( "alter table workunit " ." change workseq_next hr_class integer not null, " ." add priority integer not null, " ." add mod_time timestamp" ); } function update_11_24_2004_host() { do_query( "alter table host drop column projects, " ." add avg_turnaround double not null" ); } function update_12_27_2004() { do_query("alter table workunit drop index wu_filedel"); do_query("alter table workunit add index wu_filedel (file_delete_state, mod_time)"); } function update_1_3_2005() { do_query("alter table workunit drop index wu_filedel"); do_query("alter table workunit add index wu_filedel (file_delete_state)"); do_query("alter table result drop index app_mod_time"); } function update_1_7_2005() { do_query("alter table forum_preferences add ignorelist varchar(254) not null"); } function update_1_13_2005() { do_query("alter table thread add hidden integer not null"); do_query("alter table post add hidden integer not null"); } function update_1_18_2005() { do_query("ALTER TABLE forum_preferences CHANGE special_user special_user CHAR(12) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); } function update_1_19_2005() { do_query("create table tentative_user ( nonce varchar(254) not null, email_addr varchar(254) not null, confirmed integer not null, primary key(nonce) );" ); } function update_1_20_2005() { do_query("alter table host add host_cpid varchar(254)"); } function update_1_20a_2005() { do_query("alter table host add external_ip_addr varchar(254)"); } function update_2_25_2005() { do_query("alter table host add max_results_day integer not null"); } function update_4_20_2005(){ do_query("ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD `sticky` TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `post_min_total_credit` INT NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `post_min_expavg_credit` INT NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `post_min_interval` INT NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `rate_min_total_credit` INT NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `rate_min_expavg_credit` INT NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `last_post` INT( 14 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `posts`"); } function update_4_30_2005(){ do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `ignore_sticky_posts` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"); } function update_6_22_2005() { do_query("alter table host add cpu_efficiency double not null after active_frac, add duration_correction_factor double not null after cpu_efficiency"); } function update_8_05_2005() { do_query("alter table user add passwd_hash varchar(254) not null"); do_query("alter table user add email_validated smallint not null"); do_query("update user set passwd_hash=MD5(concat(authenticator, email_addr))"); do_query("update user set email_validated=1"); } function update_8_25_2005() { do_query("alter table user add donated smallint not null"); } function update_8_26_2005() { do_query("drop table tentative_user"); } function update_9_22_2005() { do_query("update user set country='Macedonia' where country='Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of'"); } function update_11_24_2005(){ do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `minimum_wrap_postcount` INT DEFAULT '100' NOT NULL AFTER `high_rating_threshold` , ADD `display_wrap_postcount` INT DEFAULT '75' NOT NULL AFTER `minimum_wrap_postcount`"); } function update_6_16_2006() { do_query("ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD `score` DOUBLE NOT NULL AFTER `sufferers` , ADD `votes` INT NOT NULL AFTER `score`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `forum_sorting` INT NOT NULL AFTER `sorting`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `thread_sorting` INT NOT NULL AFTER `forum_sorting`"); do_query("CREATE TABLE `post_ratings` ( `post` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `user` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `rating` TINYINT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `post` , `user`))"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` DROP `avatar_type`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` CHANGE `low_rating_threshold` `low_rating_threshold` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '-25' NOT NULL"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` CHANGE `high_rating_threshold` `high_rating_threshold` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '5' NOT NULL"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` CHANGE `jump_to_unread` `jump_to_unread` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` DROP `sorting`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` CHANGE `no_signature_by_default` `no_signature_by_default` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL "); do_query("ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD `status` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `owner`"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `subscriptions` ADD `notified` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); do_query("ALTER TABLE `subscriptions` CHANGE `notified` `notified_time` INT( 14 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); } function update_7_11_2006() { do_query("alter table app add weight double not null"); } function update_8_8_2006() { do_query("alter table forum_preferences add banished_until integer not null default 0"); } function update_10_21_2006() { do_query("alter table app add beta smallint not null default 0"); } function update_10_26_2006() { do_query("ALTER TABLE `team` ADD `ping_user` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `ping_time` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); do_query("ALTER TABLE team ADD INDEX team_userid (userid)"); } function update_11_10_2006() { do_query("ALTER TABLE thread ADD locked TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); } function update_12_22_2006() { do_query("ALTER TABLE forum ADD is_dev_blog TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); } function update_4_07_2007() { do_query('create table sent_email ( userid integer not null, time_sent integer not null, email_type smallint not null, primary key(userid) ) TYPE=MyISAM;' ); } function update_4_24_2007() { do_query('alter table host add error_rate double not null default 0'); } function update_4_29_2007() { do_query("CREATE TABLE `private_messages` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `senderid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `date` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `opened` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `content` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;" ); } function update_4_30_2007() { do_query("create table credited_job ( userid integer not null, workunitid bigint not null ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); do_query("alter table credited_job add index credited_job_user (userid), add index credited_job_wu (workunitid), add unique credited_job_user_wu (userid, workunitid);" ); } function update_5_27_2007() { do_query("create table donation_items ( id integer unsigned not null auto_increment, item_name varchar(32) not null, title varchar(255) not null, description varchar(255) not null, required double unsigned not null default '0', PRIMARY KEY(id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); do_query("create table donation_paypal ( id integer not null auto_increment, order_time integer unsigned not null, userid integer not null, email_addr varchar(255) not null, order_amount double(6,2) not null, processed tinyint(1) not null default '0', payment_time integer unsigned not null, item_name varchar(255) not null, item_number varchar(255) not null, payment_status varchar(255) not null, payment_amount double(6,2) not null, payment_fee double(5,2) default null, payment_currency varchar(255) not null, txn_id varchar(255) not null, receiver_email varchar(255) not null, payer_email varchar(255) not null, payer_name varchar(255) not null, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); } function update_6_5_2007() { do_query("ALTER TABLE `forum_preferences` ADD `pm_notification` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); } function update_7_26_2007() { do_query("create table team_delta ( userid integer not null, teamid integer not null, timestamp integer not null, joining tinyint(1) not null, total_credit double not null ) TYPE=MyISAM;" ); do_query("alter table team_delta add index team_delta_teamid (teamid, timestamp);" ); } function update_9_26_2007() { // Change field type from unsigned to signed do_query("ALTER TABLE team CHANGE ping_user ping_user integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); } function update_9_28_2007() { do_query("alter table team engine=myisam"); do_query("alter table team change description description text"); do_query("alter table team add fulltext index team_name_desc(name, description)"); } function update_10_25_2007() { do_query("update user set country='Serbia' where country='Serbia and Montenegro'"); do_query("update team set country='Serbia' where country='Serbia and Montenegro'"); } function update_10_26_2007() { do_query("create table banishment_vote ( id serial primary key, userid integer not null, modid integer not null, start_time integer not null, end_time integer not null ) TYPE=MyISAM;" ); do_query("create table banishment_votes ( id serial primary key, voteid integer not null, modid integer not null, time integer not null, yes tinyint(1) not null ) TYPE=MyISAM;" ); } function update_11_7_2007() { do_query("create table team_admin ( teamid integer not null, userid integer not null, create_time integer not null, rights integer not null ) type=MyISAM;" ); do_query("alter table team_admin add unique (teamid, userid);"); } function update_11_8_2007() { do_query("alter table forum add parent_type integer not null"); } function update_11_14_2007() { do_query("alter table forum drop index category"); do_query("alter table forum add unique pct (parent_type, category, title)"); } // pm_notification should be 0 by default. // We don't know who really wants it to be 1, so set everyone to 0; // projects might want to run a news item notifying user // that they need to explicitly set this if they want PM notification // function update_11_18_2007() { do_query("update forum_preferences set pm_notification=0"); do_query("alter table forum_preferences change pm_notification pm_notification tinyint not null default 0"); } function update_11_20_2007() { do_query("alter table team add fulltext index team_name(name)"); } function update_12_18_2007() { do_query("create table friend ( user_src integer not null, user_dest integer not null, message varchar(255) not null, create_time integer not null, reciprocated tinyint not null ) "); do_query("create table notify ( id serial primary key, userid integer not null, create_time integer not null, type integer not null, opaque integer not null ) "); do_query("alter table friend add unique friend_u (user_src, user_dest) "); do_query("alter table notify add index notify_u (userid) "); } function update_12_28_2007() { do_query("alter table notify drop index notify_u"); do_query("alter table notify add unique notify_un (userid, type, opaque) "); } function update_2_18_2008() { do_query("create table assignment ( id integer not null auto_increment, create_time integer not null, target_id integer not null, target_type integer not null, multi tinyint not null, workunitid integer not null, resultid integer not null, primary key (id) ) engine = InnoDB "); } // If you haven't done 3_7, skip both of the following: // function update_3_7_2008() { do_query("alter table workunit add column rsc_bandwidth_bound double not null after rsc_disk_bound"); } function update_3_7_undo_2008() { do_query("alter table workunit drop column rsc_bandwidth_bound"); } function update_3_10_2008() { do_query("alter table workunit add column rsc_bandwidth_bound double not null"); } function update_3_13_2008() { do_query("alter table app_version drop index appid"); do_query("alter table app_version add column plan_class varchar(254) not null default ''"); do_query("alter table app_version add unique apvp (appid, platformid, version_num, plan_class)"); } // The following cleans up from a bug that causes "team transfer pending" // to be shown even after transfer is finished // function update_3_27_2008() { do_query("update team set ping_user=0, ping_time=0 where ping_user=userid"); } function update_3_31_2008() { do_query("alter table app_version change column xml_doc xml_doc mediumblob"); } function update_6_3_2008() { do_query("alter table app add target_nresults smallint not null default 0"); } function update_7_28_2008() { do_query("create table credit_multiplier ( id serial primary key, appid integer not null, time integer not null, multiplier double not null default 0 ) engine=MyISAM "); } function update_10_05_2008(){ do_query("alter table forum_preferences add highlight_special tinyint default '1' not null"); } function update_10_7_2008() { do_query("alter table team add joinable tinyint default '1' not null"); } function update_6_16_2009() { do_query("create table state_counts ( appid integer not null, last_update_time integer not null, result_server_state_2 integer not null, result_server_state_4 integer not null, result_file_delete_state_1 integer not null, result_file_delete_state_2 integer not null, result_server_state_5_and_file_delete_state_0 integer not null, workunit_need_validate_1 integer not null, workunit_assimilate_state_1 integer not null, workunit_file_delete_state_1 integer not null, workunit_file_delete_state_2 integer not null, primary key (appid) ) engine=MyISAM "); } function update_9_3_2009() { do_query("alter table result add ( elapsed_time double not null, flops_estimate double not null, app_version_id integer not null ) "); } function update_3_5_2010() { do_query("alter table workunit add fileset_id integer not null"); } function update_3_17_2010() { do_query("create table host_app_version ( host_id integer not null, app_version_id integer not null, pfc_n double not null, pfc_avg double not null, et_n double not null, et_avg double not null, et_var double not null, et_q double not null, host_scale_time double not null, scale_probation tinyint not null default 1, error_rate double not null, max_jobs_per_day integer not null, n_jobs_today integer not null, turnaround_n double not null, turnaround_avg double not null, turnaround_var double not null, turnaround_q double not null ) engine = InnoDB "); do_query("alter table host_app_version add unique hap(host_id, app_version_id) "); do_query("alter table app_version add pfc_n double not null default 0, add pfc_avg double not null default 0, add pfc_scale double not null default 0, add expavg_credit double not null default 0, add expavg_time double not null default 0 "); do_query("alter table app add min_avg_pfc double not null default 1, add host_scale_check tinyint not null, add max_jobs_in_progress integer not null, add max_gpu_jobs_in_progress integer not null, add max_jobs_per_rpc integer not null, add max_jobs_per_day_init integer not null "); } function update_4_21_2010() { do_query("alter table host_app_version drop column host_scale_time, drop column scale_probation, drop column error_rate, add column consecutive_valid integer not null "); } function update_6_10_2010() { do_query("alter table app drop column max_jobs_in_progress, drop column max_gpu_jobs_in_progress, drop column max_jobs_per_rpc, drop column max_jobs_per_day_init "); } function update_6_3_2011() { do_query("alter table app add homogeneous_app_version tinyint not null default 0 "); do_query("alter table workunit add app_version_id integer not null default 0 "); } function update_6_20_2011() { do_query(" create table batch ( id serial primary key, user_id integer not null, create_time integer not null, logical_start_time double not null, logical_end_time double not null, est_completion_time double not null, njobs integer not null ) engine = InnoDB"); do_query(" create table user_submit ( user_id integer not null, quota double not null, logical_start_time double not null, all_apps tinyint not null ) engine = InnoDB"); do_query(" create table user_submit_app ( user_id integer not null, app_id integer not null ) engine = InnoDB"); } function update_7_26_2011() { do_query(" alter table batch add fraction_done double not null, add nerror_jobs integer not null, add state integer not null, add completion_time double not null, add credit_estimate double not null, add credit_canonical double not null, add credit_total double not null, add name varchar(255) not null, add app_id integer not null "); } function update_9_6_2011() { do_query(" alter table user_submit add create_apps tinyint not null, add create_app_versions tinyint not null "); } function update_9_15_2011() { do_query(" alter table result add runtime_outlier tinyint not null "); } function update_9_20_2011() { do_query(" alter table user_submit drop column all_apps, drop column create_apps, drop column create_app_versions, add submit_all tinyint not null, add manage_all tinyint not null "); do_query(" alter table user_submit_app add manage tinyint not null "); } function update_1_30_2012() { do_query(" alter table workunit add transitioner_flags tinyint not null "); do_query( "alter table assignment add index asgn_target(target_type, target_id)" ); } function update_6_4_2012() { do_query(" alter table batch add project_state integer not null, add description varchar(255) not null "); } function update_8_24_2012() { do_query(" alter table app add non_cpu_intensive tinyint not null default 0 "); } function update_8_26_2012() { do_query(" alter table app add locality_scheduling integer not null default 0 "); } function update_11_25_2012() { do_query(" create table job_file ( id integer not null auto_increment, md5 char(64) not null, create_time double not null, delete_time double not null, primary key(id) ) engine = InnoDB "); do_query(" alter table job_file add index md5 (md5) "); } function update_4_26_2013() { do_query("alter table app add n_size_classes smallint not null default 0"); do_query("alter table workunit add size_class smallint not null default -1"); do_query("alter table result add size_class smallint not null default -1"); } function update_5_23_2013() { do_query("alter table host add product_name varchar(254) not null"); } function update_9_10_2013() { do_query("alter table workunit change mod_time mod_time timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp"); do_query("alter table result change mod_time mod_time timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp"); } function update_9_17_2013() { do_query("alter table batch add expire_time double not null"); } function update_12_22_2013() { do_query(" create table badge ( id serial primary key, create_time double not null, type tinyint not null, name varchar(255) not null, title varchar(255) not null, description varchar(255) not null, image_url varchar(255) not null, level varchar(255) not null, tags varchar(255) not null, sql_rule varchar(255) not null ) "); do_query(" create table badge_user ( badge_id integer not null, user_id integer not null, create_time double not null, reassign_time double not null ) "); do_query(" create table badge_team ( badge_id integer not null, team_id integer not null, create_time double not null, reassign_time double not null ) "); do_query(" alter table badge_user add unique (user_id, badge_id) "); do_query(" alter table badge_team add unique (team_id, badge_id) "); } function update_1_13_2014() { do_query( "alter table user_submit add max_jobs_in_progress integer not null" ); } // Updates are done automatically if you use "upgrade". // // If you need to do updates manually, // modify the following to call the function you want. // Make sure you do all needed functions, in order. // (Look at your DB structure using "explain" queries to see // which ones you need). //update_3_17_2010(); // in the following, the first element is a version number. // This used to be the Subversion version#, // but with Git we just use sequential integers // $db_updates = array ( array(18490, "update_6_16_2009"), array(19001, "update_9_3_2009"), array(20807, "update_3_5_2010"), array(20932, "update_3_17_2010"), array(21226, "update_4_21_2010"), array(21728, "update_6_10_2010"), array(23635, "update_6_3_2011"), array(23762, "update_6_20_2011"), array(23881, "update_7_26_2011"), array(24137, "update_9_6_2011"), array(24225, "update_9_15_2011"), array(24248, "update_9_20_2011"), array(25169, "update_1_30_2012"), array(25734, "update_6_4_2012"), array(26060, "update_8_24_2012"), array(26062, "update_8_26_2012"), array(27000, "update_11_25_2012"), array(27001, "update_4_26_2013"), array(27002, "update_5_23_2013"), array(27003, "update_9_10_2013"), array(27004, "update_9_17_2013"), array(27005, "update_12_22_2013"), array(27006, "update_1_13_2014"), ); ?>