"); define("SM_FONT", ""); define("TD", ""); define("TD2", ""); define("TD3", ""); define("TABLE", ""); define("TABLE2", "
"); define("BG_COLOR", " bgcolor=cccccc "); define("TITLE_COLOR", " bgcolor=000000 "); define("TITLE_FONT", " "); define("BODY_COLOR", " bgcolor=ffffff "); define("NOLOGIN", "Not logged in. Click here to login.\n"); define("BADPASS", "The password you entered is incorrect. Click the Back button on your browser to re-enter your password or try again later."); define("DIFFPASS", "You've typed two different passwords. Click the Back button on your browser to edit your information, making sure you type the same password in both password fields."); function get_project_name() { $fp = fopen(db_name, "r"); $db_name = fgets($fp, 1024); $db_name = rtrim($db_name); return $db_name; } function get_user_from_cookie() { $auth = ""; $c = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"); $d = str_replace("; ", "&", $c); parse_str($d); if ($auth) return lookup_user_auth($auth); return NULL; } function show_login($user) { if ($user) { printf("Logged in as %s.\n", $user->name); printf("
Log in as someone else.\n"); $project = get_project_name(); printf("
My %s\n", $project); } else { echo NOLOGIN; } } function page_head($title) { echo "$title\n"; $project = get_project_name(); echo TABLE . "
" . TITLE_FONT . "".$project.": $title
\n"; } function page_tail() { echo "
| Create New Account | Login \n"; echo "| User Page | Teams | Main Project Page |
\n"; } function print_form_header($table) { echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; } function print_form_end() { echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; } function append_sql_query($original,$addition,$first) { if ($first == 1) { return $original . " where " . $addition; } else { return $original . " and " . $addition; } } function date_str($when) { return date("g:i A, l M j", $when); } function time_str($x) { if ($x == 0) return "---"; return strftime("%T %b %e, %Y", $x); } function start_table() { echo "\n"; } function end_table() { echo "
\n"; } function print_checkbox($text,$name,$checked) { echo "" . "$text\n" . "

\n"; } function print_text_field($text,$name,$value) { echo "$text \n" . "

\n"; } function row($x, $y) { echo "\n$x\n$y\n\n"; } function row2($x, $y) { echo "$x$y\n"; } function row3($x, $y, $z) { echo "$x$y$z\n"; } function row4($xx, $xy, $yx, $yy) { echo "$xx$xy" . "$yx$yy\n"; } function random_string() { return md5(uniqid(rand())); } function print_country_select() { PassThru("/disks/milkyway/a/users/anderson/boinc/tools/country_select"); } function print_page_header($title) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "$title\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "Return to Main Page\n"; echo "
\n"; } function print_page_end() { echo ""; } ?>