require_once("docutil.php"); page_head("Downloadable statistics data"); echo "
BOINC projects may export data describing teams, users and hosts. This data is exported in XML files that can be downloaded via HTTP.
This data can be summarized and represented as Web pages. An example (implemented using PHP) is at If you are interested in using or contributing to this code, please contact the developer, Janus Kristensen.
The data is presented in several different 'views': teams ordered by credit, teams ordered by ID, etc. To increase the efficiency of data access, views are broken into a number of files, each containing a fixed number of records.
The entries in a given file are in either 'summary' or 'detail' form. For example, the summary of a team gives its ID, name, and credit, while the detailed from also contains a list of its members.
The files are as follows:
For each table (team, user, and host) this gives
", htmlspecialchars("team_total_credit_N.xml"), " 1046220857 127 1000 100 14 1000 100 681 1000 100 ... setiathome 100 1000 10000
Team summaries, ordered by decreasing recent-average credit.
Team details, ordered by increasing ID.
User summaries, ordered by decreasing total credit.
User summaries, ordered by decreasing recent-average credit.
User details, ordered by increasing ID.
Host summaries, ordered by decreasing total credit.
Host summaries, ordered by decreasing recent-average credit.
Host details, ordered by increasing ID.
The format of the various XML elements is as follows:
Team summary
", htmlspecialchars(""), " 5 Broadband Reports Team Starfire 153402.872429 503030.483254 14
Team detail
", htmlspecialchars("")," 5 Broadband Reports Team Starfire 153402.872429 503030.483254 14 0 %3Ca%20href%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fbroadbandreports%2Ecom%2Fforum%2Fseti%2 7%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fi%2Edslr%2Enet%2Fpics%2Ffaqs%2Fimage2067%2Ejp g%27%3E None 12 John Keck 42698.813543 117348.653646 5 14 Liontaur 46389.595430 122936.372641 5
User summary
", htmlspecialchars(""), " 12 John Keck 42698.813543 117348.653646 [5 ] []
User detail
", htmlspecialchars("")," 3 Eric Heien 4897.904591 9820.631754 United States 1046220857 [ 14 ] [] 27 0.000000 0.000000 Darwin 6.2 266 0.000000 0.000000 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Linux 2.4.18-18.7.x
Host summary
", htmlspecialchars("")," 266 0.000000 0.000000 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Linux 2.4.18-18.7.x
Host detail
", htmlspecialchars(""; page_tail(); ?>")," 102 3 0.000000 0.000000 GenuineIntel Pentium Windows XP 5.1 1040170006 28800 2 45724737.082762 43233895.373973 4032258.064516 670478336.000000 1000000.000000 1638260736.000000 9088008192.000000 3788505088.000000 24109.794088 57037.049858