1.0 dialogblocks Project File 3 200 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE <All platforms> 2.6.1 // Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // /*! * %BODY% */ // Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // app_resources.h app_resources.cpp AppResources app.h app.cpp Application FALSE <None> 14693872 data-document 0 1 0 0 0 Configurations 52653152 config-data-document 0 1 0 14693872 0 TRUE Debug ANSI Static Modular GUI wxMSW Dynamic Yes No No %WXVERSION% %EXECUTABLE% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% Projects 14694464 root-document project 1 1 0 0 0 Windows 15226992 html-document dialogsfolder 1 1 0 14694464 1 Options 15222816 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 8/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgOptions wxDialog wxDialog DlgOptions.cpp DlgOptions.h Options TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 -1 -1 wxBoxSizer V 14707888 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15222816 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxNotebook: ID_NOTEBOOK 14738464 dialog-control-document notebook 0 1 0 14707888 0 wbNotebookProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED|OnNotebookPageChanged wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnNotebookUpdate ID_NOTEBOOK 10001 wxNotebook TRUE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_GENERAL 14713504 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14738464 0 wbPanelProxy ID_GENERAL 10002 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE General wxBoxSizer V 14753392 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14713504 0 24/9/2004 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 14748032 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14753392 0 22/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14833024 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14748032 0 22/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Language Selection: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxComboBox: ID_LANGUAGESELECTION 14836144 dialog-control-document combobox 0 1 0 14748032 0 22/5/2005 wbComboBoxProxy ID_LANGUAGESELECTION 10004 wxComboBox m_LanguageSelectionCtrl What language should the manager display by default. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14860336 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14748032 0 22/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Reminder Frequency: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxSlider: ID_REMINDERFREQUENCY 14863136 dialog-control-document slider 0 1 0 14748032 0 22/5/2005 wbSliderProxy ID_REMINDERFREQUENCY 10018 wxSlider m_ReminderFrequencyCtrl 0 120 60 How often, in minutes, should the manager remind you of possible connection events. FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_CONNECTONS 14951312 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14738464 0 27/5/2005 wbPanelProxy ID_CONNECTONS 10019 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE __WXMSW__ FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Connections wxBoxSizer V 15007248 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14951312 0 27/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxRadioButton: ID_NETWORKAUTODETECT 14992224 dialog-control-document radiobutton 0 1 0 15007248 0 27/5/2005 wbRadioButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED|OnNetworkAutoDetectSelected wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnNetworkAutoDetectUpdate ID_NETWORKAUTODETECT 10020 wxRadioButton m_NetworkAutomaticDetectionCtrl &Automatically detect network connection settings TRUE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxRadioButton: ID_NETWORKLAN 14980480 dialog-control-document radiobutton 0 1 0 15007248 0 27/5/2005 wbRadioButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED|OnNetworkLANSelected wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnNetworkLANUpdate ID_NETWORKLAN 10021 wxRadioButton m_NetworkUseLANCtrl Use my &Local Area Network(LAN) connection FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxRadioButton: ID_NETWORKDIALUP 15026832 dialog-control-document radiobutton 0 1 0 15007248 0 27/5/2005 wbRadioButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED|OnNetworkDialupSelected wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnNetworkDialupUpdate ID_NETWORKDIALUP 10022 wxRadioButton m_NetworkUseDialupCtrl Use my &Dial-up and Virtual Private Network connection FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 15029536 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15007248 0 27/5/2005 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings m_DialupStaticBoxCtrl Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 15136240 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15029536 0 27/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 0 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxListBox: ID_DIALUPCONNECTIONS 15123344 dialog-control-document listbox 0 1 0 15136240 0 27/5/2005 wbListBoxProxy ID_DIALUPCONNECTIONS 10023 wxListBox m_DialupConnectionsCtrl FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 15160656 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15136240 0 27/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: ID_DIALUPSETDEFAULT 15153904 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 15160656 0 27/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnDialupSetDefaultClick ID_DIALUPSETDEFAULT 10024 wxButton m_DialupSetDefaultCtrl &Set Default TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_DIALUPCLEARDEFAULT 15138928 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 15160656 0 27/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnDialupClearDefaultClick ID_DIALUPCLEARDEFAULT 10025 wxButton m_DialupClearDefaultCtrl &Clear Default FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 15258912 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15029536 0 27/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: ID_DIALUPDEFAULTCONNECTIONTEXT 15246160 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15258912 0 27/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy ID_DIALUPDEFAULTCONNECTIONTEXT 10027 wxStaticText m_DialupDefaultConnectionTextCtrl Default Connection: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: ID_DIALUPDEFAULTCONNECTION 45704144 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15258912 0 27/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy ID_DIALUPDEFAULTCONNECTION 10026 wxStaticText m_DialupDefaultConnectionCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 45707664 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15029536 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 1 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxCheckBox: ID_DIALUPPROMPTUSERNAMEPASSWORD 45806784 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 45707664 0 28/5/2005 wbCheckBoxProxy ID_DIALUPPROMPTUSERNAMEPASSWORD 10030 wxCheckBox m_DialupPromptCredentials &Prompt for username and password FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_HTTPPROXY 45788944 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14738464 0 wbPanelProxy ID_HTTPPROXY 10003 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 150 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE HTTP Proxy wxBoxSizer V 45829648 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45788944 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxCheckBox: ID_ENABLEHTTPPROXYCTRL 45822944 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 45829648 0 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnEnableHTTPProxyCtrlClick wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnEnableHTTPProxyCtrlUpdate ID_ENABLEHTTPPROXYCTRL 10007 wxCheckBox m_EnableHTTPProxyCtrl Connect via HTTP proxy server FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 45868560 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45829648 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 HTTP Proxy Server Configuration Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGridSizer 45857904 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45868560 0 wbGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 45847664 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45857904 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 45905616 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 45847664 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Address: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPADDRESSCTRL 45884656 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 45847664 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPADDRESSCTRL 10010 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 150 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 45928768 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 45847664 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Port: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPPORTCTRL 45931968 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 45847664 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPPORTCTRL 10011 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPPortCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 45858416 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45868560 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 Leave these blank if not needed Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 52646112 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45858416 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15250176 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52646112 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText User Name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPUSERNAMECTRL 45731280 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52646112 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPUSERNAMECTRL 10008 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 175 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14788448 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52646112 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPPASSWORDCTRL 14810336 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52646112 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPPASSWORDCTRL 10009 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_SOCKSPROXY 14895488 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14738464 0 wbPanelProxy ID_SOCKSPROXY 10006 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE SOCKS Proxy FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 45789360 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14895488 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxCheckBox: ID_ENABLESOCKSPROXYCTRL 52647104 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 45789360 0 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnEnableSOCKSProxyCtrlClick wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnEnableSOCKSProxyCtrlUpdate ID_ENABLESOCKSPROXYCTRL 10012 wxCheckBox m_EnableSOCKSProxyCtrl Connect via SOCKS proxy server FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 45763632 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45789360 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGridSizer 45769392 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45763632 0 wbGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 52661520 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45769392 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52673248 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52661520 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Address: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSADDRESSCTRL 52694800 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52661520 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSADDRESSCTRL 10013 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 150 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52716544 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52661520 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Port: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSPORTCTRL 14923680 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52661520 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSPORTCTRL 10014 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSPortCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 14924064 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45763632 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 Leave these blank if not needed Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 52730208 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14924064 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52741984 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52730208 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText User Name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSUSERNAMECTRL 52766816 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52730208 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSUSERNAMECTRL 10015 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 175 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52768192 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52730208 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSPASSWORDCTRL 15059872 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 52730208 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSPASSWORDCTRL 10016 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 52793520 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14707888 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 52807408 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 52793520 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 52802480 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 52793520 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE About BOINC 15224256 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 9/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strVersion|wxString|Version|BOINC_VERSION_STRING ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAbout wxDialog wxDialog DlgAbout.cpp DlgAbout.h About BOINC Manager TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 15083776 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15224256 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15097296 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText BOINC Manager 24, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 15182272 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer V 15189520 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15182272 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticBitmap: wxID_STATIC 15203472 dialog-control-document staticbitmap 0 1 0 15189520 0 wbStaticBitmapProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticBitmap res/boincsm.xpm FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 50 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 52832256 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15182272 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 0 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52844528 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52832256 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Version: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52866800 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52832256 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText FALSE <Any platform> m_strVersion wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52881168 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52832256 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Copyright: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52903696 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 52832256 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText (C) 2005 University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52917904 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 52936464 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText A software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxHyperLink: ID_ABOUTBOINCLINK 52950656 dialog-control-document foreign 0 1 0 15083776 0 21/6/2005 wbCustomCtrlProxy:wxHyperLink ID_ABOUTBOINCLINK 10031 wxHyperLink wxHyperLink TRUE http://boinc.berkeley.edu/ FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE %PARENT%, %IDENTIFIER%, wxT("http://boinc.berkeley.edu/"), %POSITION%, %SIZE%, %STYLE% wxStaticLine: wxID_STATIC 52972720 dialog-control-document staticline 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbStaticLineProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticLine FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Expand 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_OK 52982512 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 15083776 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Attach to Project 52998416 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 9/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strProjectAddress|wxString|ProjectAddress| m_strProjectAccountKey|wxString|ProjectAccountKey| ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAttachProject wxDialog wxDialog DlgAttachProject.cpp DlgAttachProject.h Attach to Project TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 14709648 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 52998416 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 53025248 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14709648 0 29/2/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53031136 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53025248 0 29/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 53046224 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53031136 0 29/2/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53057056 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53046224 0 29/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText URL: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECTADDRESS 53078832 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53046224 0 29/2/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECTADDRESS 10001 wxTextCtrl m_ProjectAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strProjectAddress CValidateURL(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53108160 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53046224 0 29/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Account Key: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECTACCOUNTKEY 53121168 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53046224 0 29/2/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECTACCOUNTKEY 10002 wxTextCtrl m_ProjectAccountKeyCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strProjectAccountKey CValidateAccountKey(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53121872 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53031136 0 29/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText These are emailed to you when you create an account. Go to project web sites to create accounts. Visit http://boinc.berkeley.edu for a list of projects. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53160384 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53025248 0 29/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 53174032 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53160384 0 29/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 53168608 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53160384 0 29/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Account Manager Signup 53201184 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 10/2/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strAcctManagerUsername|wxString|AcctManagerUsername| m_strAcctManagerPassword|wxString|AcctManagerPassword| m_strAcctManagerURL|wxString|AcctManagerURL| ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAccountManagerSignup wxDialog wxDialog DlgAccountManagerSignup DlgAccountManagerSignup Account Manager TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxFlexGridSizer 52994800 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53201184 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53222928 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 52994800 0 28/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: ID_ACCTMANAGERTEXT 53227920 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53222928 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERTEXT 10028 wxStaticText Account managers make it easy to find and join BOINC projects. For more information, click on the link below. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxHyperLink: ID_ACCTMANAGERDOCLINK 53252160 dialog-control-document foreign 0 1 0 53222928 0 30/5/2005 wbCustomCtrlProxy:wxHyperLink ID_ACCTMANAGERDOCLINK 10029 wxHyperLink wxHyperLink TRUE http://boinc.berkeley.edu/acct_mgrs.php FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE %PARENT%, %IDENTIFIER%, wxT("http://boinc.berkeley.edu/acct_mgrs.php"), %POSITION%, %SIZE%, %STYLE% wxFlexGridSizer 53255664 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53222928 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 3 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53284624 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Account Manager URL: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_ACCTMANAGERURL 53302624 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERURL 10001 wxTextCtrl m_AcctManagerURLCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strAcctManagerURL wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53328288 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Login: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_ACCTMANAGERUSERNAME 53321888 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERUSERNAME 10002 wxTextCtrl m_AcctManagerUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strAcctManagerUsername wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53369856 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_ACCTMANAGERPASSWORD 53390240 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53255664 0 28/5/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERPASSWORD 10003 wxTextCtrl m_AcctManagerPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strAcctManagerPassword wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 53386368 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 52994800 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_OK 53362784 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53386368 0 28/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 53432080 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53386368 0 28/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Account Manager Status 53202704 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 16/5/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strAcctManagerName|wxString|AcctManagerName| m_strAcctManagerURL|wxString|AcctManagerURL| ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAccountManagerStatus wxDialog wxDialog DlgAccountManagerStatus DlgAccountManagerStatus Account Manager TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 53460368 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53202704 0 16/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical FALSE TRUE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 53467520 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53460368 0 16/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer V 53474704 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53467520 0 8/6/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53488096 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53474704 0 8/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Your current account manager is: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 53502064 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53474704 0 8/6/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53515616 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53502064 0 8/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: ID_ACCTMANAGERNAME 53538336 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53502064 0 8/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERNAME 10001 wxStaticText m_AcctManagerNameCtrl foo FALSE <Any platform> m_strAcctManagerName wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53555536 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53502064 0 8/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText URL: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxHyperLink: ID_ACCTMANAGERLINK 53551504 dialog-control-document foreign 0 1 0 53502064 0 8/6/2005 wbCustomCtrlProxy:wxHyperLink ID_ACCTMANAGERLINK 10002 wxHyperLink wxHyperLink TRUE http://a/b/c FALSE <Any platform> m_strAcctManagerURL wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE %PARENT%, %IDENTIFIER%, wxT("http://a/b/c"), %POSITION%, %SIZE%, %STYLE% wxBoxSizer V 53594816 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53467520 0 16/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: ID_UPDATE 53600336 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53594816 0 16/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnUpdateClick ID_UPDATE 10005 wxButton &Update TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_CHANGE 53619888 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53594816 0 16/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnChangeClick ID_CHANGE 10017 wxButton Change FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 53612560 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53594816 0 16/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Select Computer 53651936 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 29/2/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strComputerName|wxString|ComputerName| m_strComputerPassword|wxString|StrComputerPassword| ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgSelectComputer wxDialog wxDialog DlgSelectComputer DlgSelectComputer Select Computer TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 53670512 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53651936 0 29/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 53595920 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53670512 0 29/2/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53681424 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53595920 0 29/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 53688288 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53681424 0 29/2/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53700128 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53688288 0 29/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Host name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxComboBox: ID_SELECTCOMPUTERNAME 53726992 dialog-control-document combobox 0 1 0 53688288 0 29/2/2005 wbComboBoxProxy ID_SELECTCOMPUTERNAME 10001 wxComboBox m_ComputerNameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strComputerName wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 250 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53702416 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53688288 0 29/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SELECTCOMPUTERPASSWORD 53756992 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53688288 0 29/2/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SELECTCOMPUTERPASSWORD 10002 wxTextCtrl m_ComputerPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> m_strComputerPassword wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 250 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53784144 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53595920 0 29/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 53789632 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53784144 0 29/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 53757552 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53784144 0 29/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Dialup Logon 53819488 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 28/5/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE m_strUsername|wxString|Username| m_strPassword|wxString|Password| ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgDialupCredentials wxDialog wxDialog DlgDialupCredentials.cpp DlgDialupCredentials.h Dialup Logon TRUE FALSE FALSE __WXMSW__ TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxFlexGridSizer 53645552 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53819488 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 53845616 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53645552 0 28/5/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 53852704 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53845616 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 3 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53864544 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53852704 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Username: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_USERNAME 53890832 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53852704 0 28/5/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_USERNAME 10002 wxTextCtrl m_UsernameCtrl FALSE __WXMSW__ m_strUsername wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 53884896 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53852704 0 28/5/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PASSWORD 53927504 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 53852704 0 28/5/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PASSWORD 10003 wxTextCtrl m_PasswordCtrl FALSE __WXMSW__ m_strPassword wxGenericValidator(& %VARIABLE%) FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 53946000 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53645552 0 28/5/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_OK 53958544 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53946000 0 28/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 53960464 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 53946000 0 28/5/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Attach to Project Wizard 53982336 dialog-document wizarddialog 0 1 0 15226992 0 21/6/2005 wbWizardProxy 10000 FALSE ID_ATTACHPROJECTWIZARD 10032 CWizAttachProject wxWizard WizAttachProject.cpp WizAttachProject.h Attach to Project Wizard res/attachprojectwizard.xpm TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxWizardPage: ID_WELCOMEPAGE 53999200 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 53982336 0 21/6/2005 wbWizardPageProxy ID_WELCOMEPAGE 10033 WelcomePage wxWizardPage m_WelcomePage res/attachprojectwizard.xpm FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 550 400 wxBoxSizer V 53947072 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 53999200 0 21/6/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54011808 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Welcome to the Attach to Project Wizard 12, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, false, Verdana FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54005888 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText This wizard will guide you through the process of attaching to a project. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Spacer 54054512 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54061600 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText This wizard will require access to the Internet in order to attach to a project using an existing account or creating a new one. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Spacer 54078048 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 125 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54085056 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 53947072 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText To continue, click Next. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxWizardPage: ID_PROJECTINFOPAGE 54078400 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 53982336 0 21/6/2005 wbWizardPageProxy ID_PROJECTINFOPAGE 10034 ProjectInfoPage wxWizardPage m_ProjectInfoPage FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 wxBoxSizer V 54104096 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 54078400 0 21/6/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54117232 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Project Information 10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, false, Verdana FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54142560 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Which project do you wish to attach to? FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Spacer 54143232 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54119040 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText The project URL is generally the project's homepage. It is in the form of a web address and can be found in your browsers address bar. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 54184320 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 54196128 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 54184320 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Project URL: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECTURLCTRL 54217472 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 54184320 0 21/6/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECTURLCTRL 10035 wxTextCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 250 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Spacer 46262384 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46320752 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText For more information, and to see a list of some BOINC-based projects, go to: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxHyperLink: ID_PROJECRINFOBOINCLINK 46260464 dialog-control-document foreign 0 1 0 54104096 0 21/6/2005 wbCustomCtrlProxy:wxHyperLink ID_PROJECRINFOBOINCLINK 10036 wxHyperLink wxHyperLink TRUE http://boinc.berkeley.edu/ FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE %PARENT%, %IDENTIFIER%, wxT("http://boinc.berkeley.edu/"), %POSITION%, %SIZE%, %STYLE% wxWizardPage: ID_ACCOUNTINFOPAGE 50942768 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 53982336 0 21/6/2005 wbWizardPageProxy ID_ACCOUNTINFOPAGE 10037 AccountInfoPage wxWizardPage m_AccountInfoPage FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 wxBoxSizer V 48938640 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 50942768 0 21/6/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 48853200 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Account Information 10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, false, Verdana FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 48851360 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Do you wish to use an existing account or create a new one? FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Spacer 48910624 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 48916080 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText If this is the first time you have attempted to attach to this project then you should create a new account. If you already have an account you should use your existing email address and password to attach to the project. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 48895104 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxRadioButton: ID_ACCOUNTCREATEBUTTON 48944944 dialog-control-document radiobutton 0 1 0 48895104 0 21/6/2005 wbRadioButtonProxy ID_ACCOUNTCREATEBUTTON 10038 wxRadioButton m_AccountCreate Create new account FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxRadioButton: ID_ACCOUNTUSEXISTINGBUTTON 49118752 dialog-control-document radiobutton 0 1 0 48895104 0 21/6/2005 wbRadioButtonProxy ID_ACCOUNTUSEXISTINGBUTTON 10039 wxRadioButton m_AccountUseExisting Use existing account FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Spacer 48980288 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 51880752 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 48938640 0 21/6/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 2 3 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 50970960 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Email address: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_TEXTCTRL 51081920 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_TEXTCTRL 10040 wxTextCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 51110976 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_TEXTCTRL1 51114064 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_TEXTCTRL1 10041 wxTextCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 51054048 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Confirm password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_TEXTCTRL2 51181872 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 51880752 0 21/6/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_TEXTCTRL2 10042 wxTextCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Images 54237216 html-document bitmapsfolder 1 1 0 14694464 1 boincsm.xpm 54236144 image-document res/boincsm.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 1/3/2005 100 boinc.xpm 54235936 image-document res/boinc.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 boinc_mac.xpm 54235728 image-document res/boinc_mac.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 BOINCGUIApp.xpm 54236752 image-document res/BOINCGUIApp.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 connect.xpm 54235296 image-document res/connect.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 disconnect.xpm 54243184 image-document res/disconnect.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 mess.xpm 54243040 image-document res/mess.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 proj.xpm 54242784 image-document res/proj.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 result.xpm 54242576 image-document res/result.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 usage.xpm 54242368 image-document res/usage.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 xfer.xpm 54242160 image-document res/xfer.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 attachprojectwizard.xpm 54241904 image-document res/attachprojectwizard.xpm image 0 0 0 54237216 0 21/6/2005 100 Sources 54237968 html-document sourcesfolder 1 1 0 14694464 1 10/2/2005 ValidateAccountKey.cpp 54241328 source-editor-document ValidateAccountKey.cpp source-editor 0 0 1 54237968 0 29/2/2005 ValidateURL.cpp 54241072 source-editor-document ValidateURL.cpp source-editor 0 0 1 54237968 0 29/2/2005