1.0 dialogblocks Project File 3 98 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE <All platforms> <Any> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %HEADER-FILENAME% // Purpose: // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %SOURCE-FILENAME% // Purpose: // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * %BODY% */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %SYMBOLS-FILENAME% // Purpose: Symbols file // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app_resources.h app_resources.cpp AppResources app.h app.cpp Application FALSE <None> FALSE 14273728 data-document 0 1 0 0 0 Configurations 47458032 config-data-document 0 1 0 14273728 0 Projects 14273840 root-document project 1 1 0 0 0 Windows 46610800 html-document dialogsfolder 1 1 0 14273840 1 Options 46614096 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 46610800 0 8/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_TOOLSOPTIONSDIALOG 10000 CDlgToolsOptions wxDialog wxDialog DlgOptions.cpp DlgOptions.h Options TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 -1 -1 FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 14279248 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46614096 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxNotebook: ID_NOTEBOOK 14309840 dialog-control-document notebook 0 1 0 14279248 0 wbNotebookProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED|OnNotebookPageChanged wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnNotebookUpdate ID_NOTEBOOK 10001 wxNotebook TRUE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 300 265 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_GENERAL 14384368 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14309840 0 wbPanelProxy ID_GENERAL 10002 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE General FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 14366432 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14384368 0 24/9/2004 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGridSizer 14353072 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14366432 0 6/1/2005 wbGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 0 3 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14407088 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14353072 0 6/1/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Language Selection: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxComboBox: ID_COMBOBOX 14392608 dialog-control-document combobox 0 1 0 14353072 0 6/1/2005 wbComboBoxProxy ID_COMBOBOX 10004 wxComboBox m_LanguageSelectionCtrl (Automatic Detection)|English|French|German|Arabic (Automatic Detection) FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_HTTPPROXY 14432912 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14309840 0 wbPanelProxy ID_HTTPPROXY 10003 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 150 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE HTTP Proxy FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 14409504 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14432912 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxCheckBox: ID_ENABLEHTTPPROXYCTRL 14573088 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 14409504 0 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnEnablehttpproxyctrlClick wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnEnablehttpproxyctrlUpdate ID_ENABLEHTTPPROXYCTRL 10007 wxCheckBox m_EnableHTTPProxyCtrl Connect via HTTP proxy server FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 14574688 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14409504 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 HTTP Proxy Server Configuration Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGridSizer 14647072 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14574688 0 wbGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 14636768 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14647072 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14628864 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14636768 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Address: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPADDRESSCTRL 14654800 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14636768 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPADDRESSCTRL 10010 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 150 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46643552 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14636768 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Port: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPPORTCTRL 14659360 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14636768 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPPORTCTRL 10011 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPPortCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 14343056 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14574688 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 Leave these blank if not needed Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 14348816 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14343056 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46663712 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14348816 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText User Name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPUSERNAMECTRL 46683312 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14348816 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPUSERNAMECTRL 10008 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 175 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14470880 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14348816 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_HTTPPASSWORDCTRL 14464736 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14348816 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_HTTPPASSWORDCTRL 10009 wxTextCtrl m_HTTPPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_SOCKSPROXY 46721872 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 14309840 0 wbPanelProxy ID_SOCKSPROXY 10006 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 99 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE SOCKS Proxy FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 14576336 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46721872 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxCheckBox: ID_ENABLESOCKSPROXYCTRL 46739008 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 14576336 0 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnEnablesocksproxyctrlClick wxEVT_UPDATE_UI|OnEnablesocksproxyctrlUpdate ID_ENABLESOCKSPROXYCTRL 10012 wxCheckBox m_EnableSOCKSProxyCtrl Connect via SOCKS proxy server FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 46732320 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14576336 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGridSizer 46763808 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46732320 0 wbGridSizerProxy 1 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 46769888 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46763808 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46782464 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46769888 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Address: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSADDRESSCTRL 14498128 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 46769888 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSADDRESSCTRL 10013 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 150 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14493728 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46769888 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Port: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSPORTCTRL 14539792 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 46769888 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSPORTCTRL 10014 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSPortCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 14590528 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46732320 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy wxID_ANY -1 Leave these blank if not needed Vertical Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 14604464 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14590528 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 14540352 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14604464 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText User Name: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSUSERNAMECTRL 46806864 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14604464 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSUSERNAMECTRL 10015 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 175 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46836832 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 14604464 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOCKSPASSWORDCTRL 46858016 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 14604464 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_SOCKSPASSWORDCTRL 10016 wxTextCtrl m_SOCKSPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 46872368 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 14279248 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 46886368 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 46872368 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 14434880 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 46872368 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE About BOINC 46901200 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 46610800 0 9/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgHelpAbout wxDialog wxDialog DlgAbout.cpp DlgAbout.h About BOINC TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 46919760 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46901200 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46609344 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText BOINC Core Client 24, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 46941136 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer V 46948544 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46941136 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticBitmap: wxID_STATIC 46958880 dialog-control-document staticbitmap 0 1 0 46948544 0 wbStaticBitmapProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticBitmap boincsm.xpm FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 50 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxFlexGridSizer 46975072 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46941136 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 0 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 46987648 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Version: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47001680 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText 2.28 FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47003456 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Licence type: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47046112 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText BOINC Public License FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47066912 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Copyright: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47081184 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46975072 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText (C) 2004 University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47096288 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47118640 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText A software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47128864 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText http://boinc.berkeley.edu/ FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticLine: wxID_STATIC 47129200 dialog-control-document staticline 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbStaticLineProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticLine FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Expand 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_OK 47169312 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 46919760 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Connection 47184976 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 46610800 0 9/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgConnection wxDialog wxDialog DlgConnection.cpp DlgConnection.h Connection TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 47195184 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47184976 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 47202560 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47195184 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer V 47218112 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47202560 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47223632 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 47218112 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText BOINC needs to connect to the network. May it do so now? FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 47225584 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47202560 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 47211040 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 47225584 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 47269232 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 47225584 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Attach to Project 47269872 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 46610800 0 9/3/2004 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAttachProject wxDialog wxDialog DlgAttachProject.cpp DlgAttachProject.h Attach to Project TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 47299088 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47269872 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 47306432 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47299088 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 47313424 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47306432 0 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47326096 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 47313424 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText URL: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECTADDRESS 47347472 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 47313424 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECTADDRESS 10001 wxTextCtrl m_ProjectAddressCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 47378208 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 47313424 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Account Key: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECTACCOUNTKEY 47391392 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 47313424 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECTACCOUNTKEY 10002 wxTextCtrl m_ProjectAccountKeyCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 47394384 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 47306432 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 47415760 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 47394384 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 47416816 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 47394384 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Account Manager Credentials 45979872 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 46610800 0 10/2/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10000 CDlgAccountManager wxDialog wxDialog DlgAccountManager DlgAccountManager Account Manager Credentials TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 46000672 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45979872 0 10/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 45999296 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 46000672 0 10/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 45983008 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45999296 0 10/2/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 45987840 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 45983008 0 10/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Username: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_ACCTMANAGERUSERNAME 45996320 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 45983008 0 10/2/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERUSERNAME 10001 wxTextCtrl m_AcctManagerUsernameCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 45767872 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 45983008 0 10/2/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Password: FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_ACCTMANAGERPASSWORD 45771280 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 45983008 0 10/2/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_ACCTMANAGERPASSWORD 10002 wxTextCtrl m_AcctManagerPasswordCtrl FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 45755888 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 45999296 0 10/2/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 45770336 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 45755888 0 10/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 45765312 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 45755888 0 10/2/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Images 47455040 html-document bitmapsfolder 1 1 0 14273840 1 Untitled 47454000 image-document boincsm.xpm image 0 1 0 47455040 0 9/3/2004 100 Sources 14728032 html-document sourcesfolder 1 1 0 14273840 1 10/2/2005