Featured volunteer
"; include("piecharts/$i.html"); echo "
Top 100 | Single-computer | Other lists
"; } function show_news_items() { global $light_blue; require_once("boinc_news.php"); require_once("../html/inc/news.inc"); echo "
"; $nnews_items = 8; show_news($project_news, $nnews_items); if (count($project_news) > $nnews_items) { echo "... more\n"; } echo "

News is available as an RSS feed

"; } function show_participate() { global $light_blue; echo "  Volunteer

Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:

  1. Choose projects
  2. Download and run BOINC software
  3. Enter the project URLs, your email address, and password.

Or, for simplicity and convenience, use an account manager such as GridRepublic or BAM!.

More info | Help | Download | Web sites | Add-ons | Survey
"; } function show_create() { global $light_blue; echo " Compute with BOINC A BOINC project with a single Linux server can provide computing power equivalent to a cluster with tens of thousands of CPUs. Learn how to create and operate a BOINC project. "; } function show_other() { global $light_blue; echo " Other info
"; } function show_nsf() { echo " BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards SCI/0221529, SCI/0438443 and SCI/0506411. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. "; } echo " BOINC

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

Open-source software for volunteer computing and desktop grid computing.

"; search_form(); echo "
"; echo "
"; show_participate(); show_participant(); show_create(); show_other(); show_nsf(); echo "
"; show_news_items(); echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; copyright(); echo " "; ?>