Why is volunteer support needed?

Volunteer computing is contributing to research in many areas of science - biology, medicine, environmental study, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and others. The more computing power is available, the faster these research projects can reach their objectives, and the more new projects will be attracted.

Of the 1 billion PCs in the world today, only 1 million - a tenth of a percent - are participating in volunteer computing. What about the other 99.9%? Many of them are owned by nontechnical people, who use them as web-browsing and email-reading 'appliances'. There are many reasons why such people would resist, or have difficulty, participating in volunteer computing:

Web-based support for BOINC - FAQs, message boards, web pages - is ineffective for many people. Inevitably, we write in a technical language that not everyone understands. By providing one-on-one, real-time interactive support, preferably by voice, we can assess the knowledge and experience of an individual user, we can give advice at the right level and in the right language, and we can make their experience with BOINC successful and enjoyable.

In this way we can start to reach the remaining 99.9% of the world's computer users, and take volunteer computing (and scientific research) to a new level.

What do you need to do?

To be a BOINC Help Volunteer, you must:

If this sounds OK, read on!

Setting up a separate Skype account

The Skype ID you use for help calls will be publicly visible, so you'll want to create a 'Help account' separate from your existing Skype account. When you're 'on call', run Skype under your Help account (you can switch accounts using the File/Sign Out menu).

IMPORTANT: your Skype 'Help account' must make its status visible on the web. To do this: run Skype and log in to your Help account.

What if you want to accept calls from either your regular Skype ID or your Help ID? It's possible - you need to run two Skypes at the same time, one under each ID. On Windows, the two copies of Skype need to run as different users; here's how to do it:

You may also want to create a new email account for help emails (your help email address will not be made public, but users will be able to post to it through a web interface).

Handling calls

For each call: After you've solved their problem, take the opportunity to inform the caller on topics such as:

What to do if you can't solve a problem

If you get a call with a problem that's completely outside your sphere, tell the caller that, and suggest that they call another volunteer or try the message boards.

If another Help Volunteer is online, you can try adding them to the call using skype's 'conference' feature.

If you get a call with a problem that you think you can solve but need to do some research, tell the caller that. Ask them to send you an email using the web page they're looking at, and to include their email address so that you can get back to them. Then research the problem, using

Reply to the caller with the results of your inquiry, preferably withing 2-3 days.

OK? Let's get started

Please read everything above here carefully. If you've done so and want to continue, then

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