"Email address
This won't be publicized,
but user email may be sent here.
Use a separate mailbox if you want.",
input("email_addr", $vol->email_addr)
password("password", $vol->password)
"Skype ID
This will be publicized.
Use a Skype account other than
your primary one if you want.",
input("skypeid", $vol->skypeid)
"Primary language",
spoken_language_list("lang1", $vol->lang1)
"Secondary language",
spoken_language_list("lang2", $vol->lang2)
What kinds of computers (Windows/Mac/Linux)
and/or networking technologies (proxies, NATs)
are you most familiar with?",
textarea("specialties", $vol->specialties)
Do you specialize in any particular BOINC-based projects?",
textarea("projects", $vol->projects)
"What days and times are you typically available for help?
Include your time zone, or use UTC",
textarea("availability", $vol->availability)
"Is Skype voice OK?",
yesno("voice_ok", $vol->voice_ok)
"Is Skype text OK?",
yesno("text_ok", $vol->text_ok)
function get_form_data() {
$vol->name = stripslashes($_GET['volname']);
if (!$vol->name) error_page("Name must not be blank");
$vol->password = stripslashes($_GET['password']);
if (!$vol->password) error_page("Password must not be blank");
$vol->email_addr = stripslashes($_GET['email_addr']);
if (!$vol->email_addr) error_page("Email address must not be blank");
$vol->skypeid = stripslashes($_GET['skypeid']);
if (!$vol->skypeid) error_page("Skype ID must not be blank");
$vol->lang1 = stripslashes($_GET['lang1']);
if (!$vol->lang1) error_page("Primary language must not be blank");
if (!is_spoken_language($vol->lang1)) error_page("Not a language");
$vol->lang2 = stripslashes($_GET['lang2']);
if (!is_spoken_language($vol->lang2)) error_page("Not a language");
$vol->country = stripslashes($_GET['country']);
if (!is_valid_country($vol->country)) error_page("Bad country");
$vol->specialties = stripslashes($_GET['specialties']);
$vol->projects = stripslashes($_GET['projects']);
$vol->availability = stripslashes($_GET['availability']);
$vol->voice_ok = $_GET['voice_ok']?1:0;
$vol->text_ok = $_GET['text_ok']?1:0;
return $vol;
function email_password($vol) {
page_head("Emailing password");
echo "We're emailing your Help Volunteer password to $vol->email_addr.";
$body = "Your BOINC Help Volunteer password is:\n$vol->password\n";
mail($vol->email_addr, "Help Volunteer info", $body, "From: BOINC");
$create = $_GET['create'];
$edit_login = $_GET['edit_login'];
$edit_form = $_GET['edit_form'];
$edit_action = $_GET['edit_action'];
if ($create == 'OK') {
$vol = get_form_data();
$vol->create_time = time();
$vol->timezone = 99;
$vol2 = vol_lookup_name($vol->name);
if ($vol2) {
error_page("That name is already taken");
$vol2 = vol_lookup_email($vol->email_addr);
if ($vol2) {
error_page("There's already an account with email address $vol->email_addr");
$retval = vol_insert($vol);
if (!$retval) {
echo mysql_error();
page_head("database error");
} else {
page_head("Registration finished");
echo "
Thanks - you're now registered as a BOINC Help Volunteer.
If later you want to change your account information, go to the Help page and click on the link at the bottom of the page. "; } page_tail(); } else if ($edit_login) { page_head("Edit your Help Volunteer account"); echo "Please enter the email address and password of your Help Volunteer account.
\n"; page_tail(); } else if ($edit_form == "OK") { $email_addr = stripslashes($_GET['email_addr']); $password = stripslashes($_GET['password']); $vol = vol_lookup_email($email_addr); if (!$vol) { error_page("Bad email address $email_addr"); } if (!$password) { email_password($vol); exit(); } if ($password != $vol->password) { error_page("Bad password"); } page_head("Edit your Help Volunteer Account"); echo " \n"; page_tail(); } else if ($edit_action) { $old_email_addr = stripslashes($_GET['old_email_addr']); $old_password = stripslashes($_GET['old_password']); $vol = vol_lookup_email($old_email_addr); if (!$vol) { error_page("Bad email address $old_email_addr"); } if ($old_password != $vol->password) { error_page("Bad password"); } $vol2 = get_form_data(); $vol2->timezone = $vol->timezone; $vol2->id = $vol->id; $retval = vol_update($vol2); if (!$retval) { echo mysql_error(); page_head("database error"); page_tail(); } else { page_head("Update completed"); echo "Your Help Volunteer account information has been updated."; page_tail(); } } else { page_head("Register as a BOINC Help Volunteer"); $vol = null; $vol->voice_ok = 1; $vol->text_ok = 1; echo "\n"; page_tail(); } ?>