Country: $vol->country\n";
if ($vol->availability) {
$x .= "
Usual hours: $vol->availability";
if ($vol->specialties) {
$x .= "
Specialties: $vol->specialties";
if ($vol->projects) {
$x .= "
Projects: $vol->projects";
if ($vol->lang2) {
$x .= "
Primary language: $vol->lang1";
$x .= "
Secondary language: $vol->lang2";
$x .= "
"; return $x; } function live_contact($vol, $rating) { $skypeid = $vol->skypeid; echo "
Contact $vol->name on Skype
if ($vol->voice_ok) {
echo "
Note: BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers. Their advise is not endorsed by BOINC or the University of California. After the conversation is over, please give us your feedback: |
Contact $vol->name by email |
Return to BOINC Help.
} else {
page_head("Help Volunteer: $vol->name");
echo show_info($vol);
$status = skype_status($vol->skypeid);
if ($status != $vol->status) {
$vol->status = $status;
$vol->last_check = time();
if (online($vol->status)) {
$vol->last_online = time();
$image = button_image($status);
echo "
"; if (online($status)) { $rating = rating_vol_auth($vol->id, $uid); if (!$rating) $rating->rating = -1; live_contact($vol, $rating); } email_contact($vol); page_tail(); } ?>