forum); $category = getCategory($forum->category); $first_post = getFirstPost($thread->id); $title = stripslashes($thread->title); $where = $category->is_helpdesk?"Questions and answers":"Message boards"; $top_url = $category->is_helpdesk?"help_desk.php":"index.php"; $excerpt = sub_sentence(stripslashes($first_post->content), ' ', EXCERPT_LENGTH, true); $posted = time_diff_str($thread->create_time, time()); $last = time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time()); $m = $n%2; echo " $n) Posted $posted
Last response $last $where : $category->name : id>$forum->title : id>$title
$excerpt "; } function show_post2($post, $n) { $thread = getThread($post->thread); $forum = getForum($thread->forum); $category = getCategory($forum->category); $where = $category->is_helpdesk?"Questions and answers":"Message boards"; $top_url = $category->is_helpdesk?"help_desk.php":"index.php"; $content = nl2br(stripslashes($post->content)); $when = time_diff_str($post->timestamp, time()); $user = lookup_user_id($post->user); $title = stripslashes($thread->title); $m = $n%2; echo " $n) $where : $category->name : id>$forum->title : id>$title
Posted $when by $user->name
$content "; } if ($_GET['titles']) { echo "

Titles containing '$search_string'

\n"; $q = "select * from thread where match(title) against ('$search_string') limit $offset,$count"; $result = mysql_query($q); echo ""; $n = 0; while ($thread = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { show_thread($thread, $n+$offset+1); $n += 1; } echo "
"; mysql_free_result($result); if ($offset==0 && $n==0) { echo "No titles found containing '$search_string'"; } } if ($_GET['bodies']) { echo "

Messages containing '$search_string'

\n"; $q = "select * from post where match(content) against ('$search_string') limit $offset,$count"; $result = mysql_query($q); echo ""; $n = 0; while ($post = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { show_post2($post, $n+$offset+1); $n += 1; } echo "
"; mysql_free_result($result); if ($offset==0 && $n==0) { echo "No messages found containing '$search_string'"; } } if ($n==$count) { $s = urlencode($search_string); $offset += $count; echo " Next $count "; } page_tail(); ?>