"); define("SM_FONT", ""); define("TD", ""); define("TD2", ""); define("TD3", ""); define("TABLE", ""); define("TABLE2", "
"); define("TITLE_COLOR", " bgcolor=000000 "); define("TITLE_FONT", " "); define("BODY_COLOR", " bgcolor=ffffff "); define("NOLOGIN", "Not logged in. Click here to login.\n"); // apply this to any user-supplied strings function boinc_real_escape_string($unstripped) { if (version_compare(phpversion(),"4.3.0")>=0) { return mysql_real_escape_string($unstripped); } else { return str_replace("\'", "'", str_replace("\\\"", "'", $unstripped)); } } function admin_page_head($title) { echo "$title\n"; echo TABLE . "
" . TITLE_FONT . "".PROJECT.": $title
\n"; } function admin_page_tail() { echo "
Main admin page \n"; } function print_checkbox($text,$name,$checked) { echo "" . "$text\n" . "

\n"; } function print_radio_button($text,$name,$value,$checked) { echo "" . "$text\n" . "
\n"; } function print_text_field($text,$name,$value) { echo "$text \n" . "

\n"; } function row($x, $y) { echo "$x\n$y\n\n"; } function c_row2($color, $x, $y) { echo "$x$y\n"; } ?>