. // TODO: the following is organized in a funky way. Clean it up require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); require_once("../inc/akismet.inc"); if (DISABLE_PROFILES) error_page("Profiles are disabled"); check_get_args(array()); // output a select form item with the given name, // from a list of newline-delineated items from the text file. // If $selection is provided, and if it matches one of the entries in the file, // it will be selected by default. // function show_combo_box($name, $filename, $selection=null) { echo "\n"; fclose($file); } function show_picture_option($profile) { row1(tra("Picture")); $warning = ""; if (profile_screening() && $profile->has_picture) { $warning = offensive_profile_warning($profile->verification); } if (($profile) && ($profile->has_picture)) { echo " "; rowify("
"); end_table(); echo ""; } else { rowify(tra("If you would like include a picture with your profile, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file. Please select images of %1 or less.", "50KB") . "

"); rowify("
"); } } function show_language_selection($profile) { if (!file_exists(LANGUAGE_FILE)) { return; } row1(tra("Language")); echo "

\n"; } function show_submit() { row1(tra("Submit profile")); $config = get_config(); $publickey = parse_config($config, ""); if ($publickey) { table_row(recaptcha_get_html($publickey)); } table_row("

"); } // Returns an array containing: // [0]: The original image refered to by $fileName if its dimensions are // less than MAX_IMG_WIDTH x MAX_IMG_HEIGHT, or a version scaled to // those dimensions if it was too large. // [1]: A scaled version of the above. function getImages($fileName) { $size = getImageSize($fileName); // Determine if the filetype uploaded is supported. // TODO: Change these to constants. switch($size[2]) { case '2': // JPEG $image = imageCreateFromJPEG($fileName); break; case '3': // PNG $image = imageCreateFromPNG($fileName); break; default: error_page(tra("The format of your uploaded image is not supported.")); } $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; $smallImage = scale_image($image, $width, $height, SMALL_IMG_WIDTH, SMALL_IMG_HEIGHT); if ($width > MAX_IMG_WIDTH || $height > MAX_IMG_HEIGHT) { $image = scale_image($image, $width, $height, MAX_IMG_WIDTH, MAX_IMG_HEIGHT); } /* echo "

Image type: $size[2]"; echo "
Original width: $width"; echo "
Original height: $height"; echo "
Scalar: $scalar"; echo "
Dest width: " . ($width / $scalar); echo "
Dest height: " . ($height / $scalar); echo "
Horizontal offset: $horiz_offset"; echo "
Vertical offset: $vert_offset"; echo "

View result"; */ return array($image, $smallImage); } function show_description() { echo "

" .tra("Your %1profile%2 lets you share your opinions and background with the %3 community.", "", "", PROJECT) . "

"; } function show_questions($profile) { $response1 = ""; $response2 = ""; if (isset($profile->response1)) { $response1 = $profile->response1; } if (isset($profile->response2)) { $response2 = $profile->response2; } row1(show_profile_heading1()); rowify(show_profile_question1().html_info()); show_textarea("response1", $response1); row1( show_profile_heading2()); rowify( show_profile_question2().html_info()); show_textarea("response2", $response2); show_language_selection($profile); } function show_textarea($name, $text) { rowify(""); } // $profile is null if user doesn't already have a profile. // Don't assign to $profile->x if this is the case. // function process_create_profile($user, $profile) { global $config; $response1 = post_str('response1', true); $response2 = post_str('response2', true); $language = post_str('language', true); $privatekey = parse_config($config, ""); if ($privatekey) { $recaptcha = new ReCaptcha($privatekey); $resp = $recaptcha->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]); if (!$resp->success) { $profile->response1 = $response1; $profile->response2 = $response2; show_profile_form($profile, tra("Your ReCaptcha response was not correct. Please try again.") ); return; } } if (!akismet_check($user, $response1)) { $profile->response1 = $response1; $profile->response2 = $response2; show_profile_form($profile, tra("Your first response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please modify your text and try again.") ); return; } if (!akismet_check($user, $response2)) { $profile->response1 = $response1; $profile->response2 = $response2; show_profile_form($profile, tra("Your second response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please modify your text and try again.") ); return; } if (isset($_POST['delete_pic'])) { $delete_pic = $_POST['delete_pic']; } else { $delete_pic = "off"; } if (strlen($response1)==0 && strlen($response2)==0 && $delete_pic != "on" && !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) ) { error_page(tra("Your profile submission was empty.")); exit(); } if ($delete_pic == "on") { delete_user_pictures($profile->userid); $profile->has_picture = false; $profile->verification = 0; } $profile ? $hasPicture = $profile->has_picture: $hasPicture = false; if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'])) { $hasPicture = true; if ($profile) $profile->verification = 0; // echo "
Name: " . $_FILES['picture']['name']; // echo "
Type: " . $_FILES['picture']['type']; // echo "
Size: " . $_FILES['picture']['size']; // echo "
Temp name: " . $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']; $images = getImages($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']); // Write the original image file to disk. // TODO: define a constant for image quality. ImageJPEG($images[0], IMAGE_PATH . $user->id . '.jpg'); ImageJPEG($images[1], IMAGE_PATH . $user->id . '_sm.jpg'); } $response1 = sanitize_html($response1); $response2 = sanitize_html($response2); if ($profile) { $query = " response1 = '".BoincDb::escape_string($response1)."'," ." response2 = '".BoincDb::escape_string($response2)."'," ." language = '".BoincDb::escape_string($language)."'," ." has_picture = '$hasPicture'," ." verification = '$profile->verification'" ." WHERE userid = '$user->id'"; $result = BoincProfile::update_aux($query); if (!$result) { error_page(tra("Could not update the profile: database error")); } } else { $query = 'SET ' ." userid = '$user->id'," ." language = '".BoincDb::escape_string($language)."'," ." response1 = '".BoincDb::escape_string($response1)."'," ." response2 = '".BoincDb::escape_string($response2)."'," ." has_picture = '$hasPicture'," ." verification=0"; $result = BoincProfile::insert($query); if (!$result) { error_page(tra("Could not create the profile: database error")); } } $user->update("has_profile=1"); page_head(tra("Profile saved")); echo tra("Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database.") ."

" .tra("%1View your profile%2", "id."\">", "
") ; page_tail(); } function show_profile_form($profile, $warning=null) { if ($profile) { page_head(tra("Edit your profile"), null, null, null, recaptcha_get_head_extra()); } else { page_head(tra("Create a profile"), null, null, null, recaptcha_get_head_extra()); } if ($warning) { echo "


"; } echo "
"; start_table_noborder(); show_description(); show_questions($profile); show_picture_option($profile); show_submit(); end_table(); echo ""; page_tail(); } $user = get_logged_in_user(true); $profile = get_profile($user->id); $config = get_config(); $min_credit = parse_config($config, ""); if ($min_credit && $user->expavg_credit < $min_credit) { error_page( tra("To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience.", $min_credit) ); } if (post_str("submit", true)) { process_create_profile($user, $profile); clear_cache_entry("view_profile.php", "userid=$user->id"); exit; } show_profile_form($profile); ?>
userid . '.jpg' . "\">userid . '_sm.jpg' . "\"> " .tra("%1 Your profile picture is shown to the left.", $warning) ."

". tra("To replace it, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file (%1 or less).", "50KB") ."

". tra("To remove it from your profile, check this box:") . "

" . tra("Select the language in which your profile is written:") . "

"; if (isset($profile->language)) { show_combo_box("language", LANGUAGE_FILE, $profile->language); } else { show_combo_box("language", LANGUAGE_FILE, "English"); } echo "