dbhandler = $mainFactory->getDatabaseHandler(); if ($optional_dbobj){ $this->dbObj = $optional_dbobj; } else { $this->dbObj = $this->dbhandler->getUser($id); } if ($optional_prefobj) {$this->fprefObj = $optional_prefobj; $this->prefs_loaded=true;}; if (!$this->dbObj) error_page("User with id $id created but nothing returned from DB layer"); } /** * The following functions return various fields for the user or update them. **/ function getID(){ return $this->dbObj->id; } function getCreateTime(){ return $this->dbObj->create_time; } function getName(){ return $this->dbObj->name; } function getEmail(){ return $this->dbObj->email_addr; } function getTotalCredit(){ return $this->dbObj->total_credit; } function getExpavgCredit(){ return $this->dbObj->expavg_credit; } function hasProfile(){ return $this->dbObj->has_profile; } function hasDonated(){ return $this->dbObj->donated; } function getAuthenticator(){ return $this->dbObj->authenticator; } function getForumSortStyle(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->forum_sorting; } function setForumSortStyle($style){ $this->fprefObj->forum_sorting = $style; return $this->updatePrefs("forum_sorting", intval($style)); } function getThreadSortStyle(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->thread_sorting; } function setThreadSortStyle($style){ $this->fprefObj->forum_sorting = $style; return $this->updatePrefs("thread_sorting", intval($style)); } function getHighRatingThreshold(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->high_rating_threshold; } function setHighRatingThreshold($value){ $this->updatePrefs("high_rating_threshold", intval($value)); } function getLowRatingThreshold(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->low_rating_threshold; } function setLowRatingThreshold($value){ $this->updatePrefs("low_rating_threshold", intval($value)); } function getMinimumWrapPostcount(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->minimum_wrap_postcount; } function getBanishedUntil() { $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->banished_until; } function setMinimumWrapPostCount($value){ $value = intval($value); if ($value<0) $value=0; $this->updatePrefs("minimum_wrap_postcount", $value); } function getDisplayWrapPostcount(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->display_wrap_postcount; } function setDisplayWrapPostCount($value){ $value = intval($value); if ($value<0) $value=0; $this->updatePrefs("display_wrap_postcount", $value); } function getPostcount(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->posts; } function setPostcount($value){ return $this->updatePrefs("posts", $value); } function getIgnoreList(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); $list = explode("|",$this->fprefObj->ignorelist); return $list; } function addIgnoredUser($user){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); $list = $this->getIgnoreList(); // See if the user exists: foreach ($list as $key => $userid){ if ($userid==$user->getID()){ $already_present=true; } } if (!$already_present){ $list[]=$user->getID(); $this->updatePrefs("ignorelist",implode("|",array_values($list))); } else { return true; } } function removeIgnoredUser($user){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); $list = $this->getIgnoreList(); // See if the user exists: foreach ($list as $key => $userid){ if ($userid==$user->getID()){ unset($list[$key]); } } return $this->updatePrefs("ignorelist",implode("|",array_values($list))); } function getSignature(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->signature; } function setSignature($signature){ return $this->updatePrefs("signature", $signature); } function getAvatar(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->avatar; } /** * Sets the avatar to the provided local url relative to the * user directory **/ function setAvatar($url){ $this->updatePrefs("avatar", $url); } /** * Gets user's display options and creates an output_options object * based upon their options. (see text_transformations.php) **/ function getTextTransformSettings(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); if (!isset($this->transform_options)) { $this->transform_options = new output_options; // Give defaults } if ($this->hasImagesAsLinks()){ $this->transform_options->images_as_links = 1; } if ($this->hasLinkPopup()){ $this->transform_options->link_popup = 1; } return $this->transform_options; } /** * More standard field updates or retrieval functions */ function hasIgnoreStickyPosts(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->ignore_sticky_posts; } function setIgnoreStickyPosts($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("ignore_sticky_posts", $bool?true:false); } function hasJumpToUnread(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->jump_to_unread; } function setJumpToUnread($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("jump_to_unread", $bool?true:false); } function hasImagesAsLinks(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->images_as_links; } function setImagesAsLinks($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("images_as_links", $bool?true:false); } function hasLinkPopup(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->link_popup; } function setLinkPopup($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("link_popup", $bool?true:false); } function hasHideSignatures(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->hide_signatures; } function setHideSignatures($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("hide_signatures", $bool?true:false); } function hasHideAvatars(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->hide_avatars; } function setHideAvatars($bool){ $this->updatePrefs("hide_avatars", $bool?true:false); } function hasSignatureByDefault(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return !$this->fprefObj->no_signature_by_default; } function setSignatureByDefault($bool){ // Note the inverted use of false/true - the db stores NO signatures by default... for some reason. // No need to make it more confusing than neccesary so we present an API without negations in the name. $this->updatePrefs("no_signature_by_default", $bool?false:true); } function hasAvatar(){ return ($this->getAvatar()!=""); } function getLastPostTimestamp(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->last_post; } function getMarkForumReadTimestamp(){ //STUB: potential future feature - to mark all forums as read return 0; } /** * Return wether this user is a given special user type **/ function isSpecialUser($type){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return (substr($this->fprefObj->special_user, $type,1)!=false); } function getSpecialUser(){ $this->ensurePrefsLoaded(); return $this->fprefObj->special_user; } function setSpecialUser($bitfield){ return $this->updatePrefs("special_user", $bitfield); } /** * Increment the number of posts for this user * as well as set the last post timestamp **/ function incPostCount(){ $this->updatePrefs("posts",$this->getPostCount()+1); $this->updatePrefs("last_post",time()); } /** * This function ensures that the preferences for this user * has been loaded into the class. If it hasn't it will be * loaded as part of this call. **/ function ensurePrefsLoaded(){ if (!$this->prefs_loaded){ $this->fprefObj = $this->dbhandler->getUserPrefs($this); if (!$this->fprefObj){ // No prefs found $this->resetPrefs(); } $this->prefs_loaded=true; } } /** * Reset the user's preferences to the defaults **/ function resetPrefs(){ $this->dbhandler->createUserPrefs($this); $this->updatePrefs("thread_sorting",6); } /** * This function is factored out code for each of the mutators. * It accesses the mainFactory and asks the default databaseHandler to * update the specified user $pref for $this user with the given $value. * It returns true on success. If it fails it usually returns false or * doesnt return at all (depending on the DB layer). **/ function updatePrefs($pref, $value){ return $this->dbhandler->updateUserPrefs($this, $pref, $value); } } // ----------- Class ends here ------------------------- /** * Get the logged in user again? **/ function re_get_logged_in_user($must_be_logged_in=true) { $authenticator = init_session(); if (!$authenticator) { if (isset($_COOKIE['auth'])) $authenticator = $_COOKIE['auth']; } $authenticator = process_user_text($authenticator); $user = get_user_from_auth($authenticator); if ($must_be_logged_in) { require_login($user); } if ($user){ return newUser($user->id); } else { return false; } } /** * To speed up queries a user is considered unique. ie two * instances of the same user cannot exist at the same time * unless the ID is different. * This function returns the unique user object or creates * it if it didn't exist. This is a PHP4 workaround for the * singleton array pattern. **/ function newUser($id, $optional_dbobj="", $optional_prefobj=""){ // When we progress to PHP5 this can be rewritten into a static class variable // and a constructor that does exactly the same - this way calls to newUser // are simply replaced with calls to new User() global $singleton_users; if (!$singleton_users[$id]){ $singleton_users[$id] = & new User($id, $optional_dbobj, $optional_prefobj); } return $singleton_users[$id]; } /** * Construct links to the given user **/ function re_user_links($user) { return user_links(get_user_from_id($user->getID())); } ?>