## -*- mode: make; tab-width: 4 -*- ## $Id$ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl api_files= \ boinc_api.C \ ../lib/app_ipc.C \ ../lib/base64.C \ ../lib/diagnostics.C \ ../lib/exception.C \ ../lib/parse.C \ ../lib/shmem.C \ ../lib/util.C graphics_api_files = \ x_opengl.C \ graphics_data.C \ graphics_api.C \ reduce.C \ gutil.C \ graphics_data.h \ reduce.h \ x_opengl.h \ boinc_gl.h if BUILD_GRAPHICS_API graphics_libs = libboinc_graphics_api.a else graphics_libs = endif lib_LIBRARIES = libboinc_api.a $(graphics_libs) EXTRA_LIBRARIES = libboinc_graphics_api.a libboinc_api_a_SOURCES = $(api_files) libboinc_graphics_api_a_SOURCES = $(graphics_api_files) libboinc_graphics_api_a_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/lib ## install header-files with prefix-subdir BOINC/ to avoid name-conflicts includedir = ${prefix}/include/BOINC/ ## install only headers that are meant for exporting the API !! include_HEADERS = \ boinc_api.h \ graphics_api.h \ gutil.h .PHONY: nographics nographics: touch libboinc_graphics_api.a $(libboinc_graphics_api_a_OBJECTS) EXTRA_PROGRAMS = api_app api_test api_app_SOURCES = api_app.C boinc_api.C ../lib/parse.C api_test_SOURCES = boinc_api.C api_test.C ../lib/parse.C