. // Change the status of a thread. // A thread can be either unsolved or solved (used in the Q&A part) require_once('../inc/forum.inc'); check_get_args(array("id")); $threadid = get_int('id'); $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($threadid); $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(); $owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner); if ($logged_in_user->id == $owner->id){ $ret = $thread->update("status=".THREAD_SOLVED); if (!$ret){ error_page("Could not update the status of the thread: ".$thread->id); } } else { error_page("You must be the owner of the thread to do this"); } // -------------- page_head("Status of the thread"); echo "
The status has been updated. Thank you!
"; echo ""; page_tail(); ?>