Test applications and scripts

The apps directory contains the following test applications:

The test directory contains PHP scripts, together with XML templates and sample input files, for initializing and testing the entire system:

These scripts use functions defined in the PHP include file init.inc. You can use these functions to easily write test scripts for your own applications.

setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR   ~/download
setenv BOINC_UPLOAD_URL     http://maggie.ssl.berkeley.edu/barry/cgi/file_upload_handler
setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_URL   http://maggie.ssl.berkeley.edu/barry/download
setenv BOINC_PLATFORM       sparc-sun-solaris2.7
setenv BOINC_EMAIL          barry@ssl.berkeley.edu
setenv BOINC_USER           barry
setenv BOINC_MASTER_URL     http:\\\\\/\\\\/maggie.ssl.berkeley.edu\\\\/~barry