// The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://boinc.berkeley.edu/license_1.0.txt // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // // The BOINC scheduling server. // // command-line options: //#include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "boinc_db.h" #include "parse.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "shmem.h" #include "util.h" #include "sched_config.h" #include "server_types.h" #include "handle_request.h" #include "sched_util.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" #include "main.h" #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ #include "fcgi_stdio.h" #endif #define DEBUG_LEVEL 999 void get_log_path(char* p) { char buf[256]; gethostname(buf, 256); sprintf(p, "../log_%s/cgi.log", buf); } #define REQ_FILE_PREFIX "boinc_req_" #define REPLY_FILE_PREFIX "boinc_reply_" bool use_files = false; // use disk files for req/reply msgs (for debugging) SCHED_CONFIG config; key_t sema_key; void send_shut_message() { printf( "Content-type: text/plain\n\n" "\n" " Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance\n" " 3600\n" "\n" ); } int open_database() { int retval; static bool db_opened=false; if (db_opened) return 0; retval = boinc_db.open(config.db_name, config.db_host, config.db_user, config.db_passwd); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "can't open database\n"); return retval; } db_opened = true; return 0; } int main() { FILE* fin, *fout; int i, retval, pid; char req_path[256], reply_path[256], path[256]; SCHED_SHMEM* ssp=0; void* p; unsigned int counter=0; char* code_sign_key; bool project_stopped = false; get_log_path(path); if (!freopen(path, "a", stderr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't redirect stderr\n"); exit(1); } log_messages.set_debug_level(DEBUG_LEVEL); if (check_stop_sched()) { send_shut_message(); goto done; } retval = config.parse_file(".."); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "Can't parse config file\n"); exit(1); } sprintf(path, "%s/code_sign_public", config.key_dir); retval = read_file_malloc(path, code_sign_key); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "Can't read code sign key file (%s)\n", path ); exit(1); } get_project_dir(path, sizeof(path)); get_key(path, 'a', sema_key); retval = attach_shmem(config.shmem_key, &p); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "Can't attach shmem (feeder not running?)\n" ); project_stopped = true; } else { ssp = (SCHED_SHMEM*)p; retval = ssp->verify(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "shmem has wrong struct sizes - recompile\n" ); exit(1); } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if (ssp->ready) break; log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::DEBUG, "waiting for ready flag\n"); sleep(1); } if (!ssp->ready) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "feeder doesn't seem to be running\n"); exit(1); } } pid = getpid(); #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ while(FCGI_Accept() >= 0) { counter++; #endif if (project_stopped) { send_shut_message(); goto done; } printf("Content-type: text/plain\n\n"); if (use_files) { // the code below is convoluted because, // instead of going from stdin to stdout directly, // we go via a pair of disk files // (this makes it easy to save the input, // and to know the length of the output). // sprintf(req_path, "%s%d_%u", REQ_FILE_PREFIX, pid, counter); sprintf(reply_path, "%s%d_%u", REPLY_FILE_PREFIX, pid, counter); fout = fopen(req_path, "w"); if (!fout) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "can't write request file\n"); exit(1); } copy_stream(stdin, fout); fclose(fout); fin = fopen(req_path, "r"); if (!fin) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "can't read request file\n"); exit(1); } fout = fopen(reply_path, "w"); if (!fout) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "can't write reply file\n"); exit(1); } handle_request(fin, fout, *ssp, code_sign_key); fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fin = fopen(reply_path, "r"); if (!fin) { log_messages.printf(SCHED_MSG_LOG::CRITICAL, "can't read reply file\n"); exit(1); } copy_stream(fin, stdout); fclose(fin); //unlink(req_path); //unlink(reply_path); } else { handle_request(stdin, stdout, *ssp, code_sign_key); } done: #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ continue; } #endif boinc_db.close(); }