#! /usr/local/bin/perl

use Time::Local;

# What version is this?
$majorversion = 2; $minorversion = 1;

# Directory where gnuplot is
# $gnuplot = "/usr/local/gnuplot-3.7";
#$gnuplot = "/disks/asimov/a/users/hiramc/local/src/gnuplot-3.7";
$gnuplot = "/usr/local/bin"
# Temporary files
$suffix = rand(10000);
$gnudata = "/tmp/XYZzyx..indata" . $suffix;       # contains input data
$ticdata = "/tmp/XYZzyx..ticdata" . $suffix;      # contains xtic information
$gnuscript = "/tmp/XYZzyx..gnuscript" .$suffix;   # contains script for gnuplot
$outfile = "/tmp/XYZzyx..outfile" . $suffix;      # contains output plot

# Default colors for plotting (in standard RRGGBB hex format)
# in order: 1. background color, 2. axis/font color, 3. grid color,
#           4. point color 1, 5. point color 2, 6. point color 3
$colorvals  = "xffffff x000000 xc0c0c0 x00a000 x0000a0 x2020c0";

# Default size of plot in pixels
$plotwidth = 600;
$plotheight = 180;

# Abbreviations for months
@monthabbs = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");

# Where are these unix commands located?
$tailexe = "tail";
$catexe = "cat";
$grepexe = "grep";

# How many seconds in a day?
$daysecs = 86400;

# Local time difference? (Yes this is a wonky way to get current time zone difference)
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime($rightnow);
$tzdiff = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) - timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);

# Where is the stripchart executable located?
$stripchartexe = "./stripchart"
# What is the default number of stripcharts?
$defaultnumcharts = 1;
# Any default flags to send to stripchart?
$defaultflags = "-s";

# Where is the list of datafiles for stripchart.cgi?
# Note: there is a sample copy in the samples directory: 
$datafilelist = "datafiles";
# Where is the list of user-definied cgi queries?
# Note: this file gets created by the cgi - must put it somewhere that the cgi user can write to 
$queryfilelist = "querylist";

# What time is it right now?
$rightnow = time;
($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year) = localtime($rightnow);
$sec = "";
$year += 1900;
# CGI plot width and plot height: set only if it will always be the same
# $cgiplotwidth = 0; $cgiplotheight = 0; # if you don't know
$cgiplotwidth = 600; $cgiplotheight = 192; # if you do know