// server-side utility functions for remote job submissions and control
// given its WUs, compute params of a batch
// NOTE: eventually this should be done by server components
// (transitioner, validator etc.) as jobs complete or time out
// TODO: update est_completion_time
function get_batch_params($batch, $wus) {
$fp_total = 0;
$fp_done = 0;
$completed = true;
$batch->nerror_jobs = 0;
$batch->credit_canonical = 0;
foreach ($wus as $wu) {
$fp_total += $wu->rsc_fpops_est;
if ($wu->canonical_resultid) {
$fp_done += $wu->rsc_fpops_est;
$batch->credit_canonical += $wu->canonical_credit;
} else if ($wu->error_mask) {
} else {
$completed = false;
if ($fp_total) {
$batch->fraction_done = $fp_done / $fp_total;
if ($completed && $batch->state < BATCH_STATE_COMPLETE) {
$batch->state = BATCH_STATE_COMPLETE;
$batch->completion_time = time();
$batch->update("fraction_done = $batch->fraction_done, nerror_jobs = $batch->nerror_jobs, state=$batch->state, completion_time = $batch->completion_time, credit_canonical = $batch->credit_canonical");
$batch->credit_estimate = flops_to_credit($fp_total);
return $batch;
function get_outfile_names($result) {
$names = array();
$xml = "".$result->xml_doc_out."";
$r = simplexml_load_string($xml);
if (!$r) return $names;
foreach ($r->file_info as $fi) {
$names[] = (string)($fi->name);
return $names;
function get_outfile_paths($result) {
$fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "");
$upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "");
$paths = array();
$xml = "".$result->xml_doc_out."";
$r = simplexml_load_string($xml);
if (!$r) return $paths;
foreach ($r->file_info as $fi) {
$path = dir_hier_path((string)($fi->name), $upload_dir, $fanout);
$paths[] = $path;
return $paths;
function abort_workunit($wu) {
"server_state=5, outcome=5 where server_state=2 and workunitid=$wu->id"
function abort_batch($batch) {
$wus = BoincWorkunit::enum("batch=$batch->id");
foreach ($wus as $wu) {
return 0;
function retire_batch($batch) {
$wus = BoincWorkunit::enum("batch=$batch->id");
$now = time();
foreach ($wus as $wu) {
$wu->update("assimilate_state=2, transition_time=$now");
function batch_state_string($state) {
switch ($state) {
case BATCH_STATE_INIT: return "new";
case BATCH_STATE_IN_PROGRESS: return "in progress";
case BATCH_STATE_COMPLETE: return "completed";
case BATCH_STATE_ABORTED: return "aborted";
case BATCH_STATE_RETIRED: return "retired";
return "unknown state $state";
// get the total size of output files of a batch
function batch_output_file_size($batchid) {
$wus = BoincWorkunit::enum("batch=$batchid");
$fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "");
$upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "");
foreach ($wus as $wu) {
if (!$wu->canonical_resultid) continue;
$result = BoincResult::lookup_id($wu->canonical_resultid);
$names = get_outfile_names($result);
foreach ($names as $name) {
$path = dir_hier_path($name, $upload_dir, $fanout);
if (is_file($path)) {
return $batch_td_size;
function boinc_get_output_file_url($user, $result, $i) {
$name = $result->name;
$auth_str = md5($user->authenticator.$name);
return "get_output.php?instance_name=$name&file_num=$i&auth_str=$auth_str";
function boinc_get_output_files_url($user, $batch_id) {
$auth_str = md5($user->authenticator.$batch_id);
return "get_output.php?batch_id=$batch_id&auth_str=$auth_str";
function boinc_get_wu_output_files_url($user, $wu_id) {
//echo "url: user authenticator= $user->authenticator, wu_id=$wu_id
$auth_str = md5($user->authenticator.$wu_id);
return "get_output.php?wu_id=$wu_id&auth_str=$auth_str";