Workunits and results can be created using either a utility program or a C++ function.
The program
create_work -appname name -wu_name name -wu_template file -result_template file -nresults n infile_1 ... infile_m
-appname specifies the name of the application
-wu_name gives the name of the workunit.
-wu_template gives the filename of a template for the workunit XML document. This template is macro-substituted as follows:
-result_template gives the filename of a template for the result XML document. This template is macro-substituted as follows:
-nresults gives the number of results to be created.
infile_1 ... infile_m are the names of the input files.
The C++ library (backend_lib.C,h) provides the function:
int create_work( int appid, char* wu_name, char* wu_template, char* result_template, int nresults, char* infile_dir, char** infiles, int ninfiles );
This creates a workunit and one or more results. The arguments are the same as for the utility program, except that the application is identified by its database ID.
"infile_dir" is the path of the directory containing the input files.
"infiles" is an array of names of the input files, of length "ninfiles".