#!/usr/bin/env python

# $Id$
# Creates a new BOINC project.

import boinc_path_config
from Boinc.setup_project import *
from Boinc import database, db_mid, configxml, tools
import sys, os, getopt, re, socket

def getfqdn():
        return socket.getfqdn()
        return 'localhost'

def isurl(s):
    return s.startswith('http://') or s.startswith('https://')

argv0 = sys.argv[0]
HOME = os.path.expanduser('~')
USER = os.environ['USER']
NODENAME = getfqdn()

HELP = """
syntax: %(argv0)s [options] project ['Project Long Name']

Creates a new project with given name with everything running on a single

Misc options:
   --no_query           accept all directories without querying
   --user_name          default: $USER (%(USER)s)
   --delete_prev_inst   delete project-root first (from prev installation)
   --drop_db_first      drop database first (from prev installation)
   --test_app           install example application
   --web_only           install web files, no executables (for Bossa, Bolt)
   --srcdir             where to find the source files (default: current directory)

   --project_root       default: HOME/projects/PROJECT
   --key_dir            default: PROJECT_ROOT/keys
   --url_base           default: http://$NODENAME/ (http://%(NODENAME)s/)

   --html_user_url      default: URL_BASE/PROJECT/
   --html_ops_url       default: URL_BASE/PROJECT_ops/

   --db_name            default: PROJECT
   --db_user            default: USER_NAME
   --db_passwd          default: None
   --db_host            default: None

Example command line:
  ./make_project --project_root $HOME/boinc/projects --url_base http://tah.org/ tah 'Test@home'

Then upload_dir = $HOME/boinc/projects/tah/upload
and  cgi_url    = http://tah.org/tah_cgi/

By default, directory options will be queried if they do not exist yet.

""" %locals()

def syntax_error(str):
    raise SystemExit('%s; See "%s --help" for help\n' % (str,sys.argv[0]))

def usage():
    print HELP
    raise SystemExit

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
        'hv', [
except getopt.GetoptError, e:

options.url_base = None
options.no_query = False
options.test_app = False
options.web_only = False
options.delete_prev_inst = False
options.srcdir = None

for o,a in opts:
    if o == '-h' or o == '--help':        usage()
    elif o == '-v':              options.echo_verbose   = 2
    elif o == '--verbose':       options.echo_verbose   = int(a)
    elif o == '--no_query':      options.no_query       = True
    elif o == '--test_app':      options.test_app       = True
    elif o == '--web_only':      options.web_only       = True
    elif o == '--srcdir':        options.srcdir         = a
    elif o == '--user_name':     options.user_name      = a
    elif o == '--drop_db_first': options.drop_db_first  = True
    elif o == '--delete_prev_inst': options.delete_prev_inst  = True
    elif o == '--key_dir':       options.key_dir        = a
    elif o == '--project_root':  options.project_root   = a
    elif o == '--url_base':      options.url_base       = a
    elif o == '--html_user_url': options.html_user_url  = a
    elif o == '--html_ops_url':  options.html_ops_url   = a
    elif o == '--db_name':       options.db_name        = a
    elif o == '--db_user':       options.db_user        = a
    elif o == '--db_passwd':     options.db_passwd      = a
    elif o == '--db_host':       options.db_host        = a
        raise SystemExit('internal error o=%s'%o)

if len(args) == 2:
    (project_shortname, project_longname) = args
elif len(args) == 1:
    (project_shortname, project_longname) = args[0], args[0]
    syntax_error('Need one or two arguments')

if not options.srcdir:
    for dir in ('.', '..'):
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'html', 'project.sample', 'project.inc')):
            options.srcdir = dir
    if not options.srcdir:
        syntax_error('Not running in the source directory and --srcdir was not specified')

opt_repls = {'PROJECT':project_shortname,
def delete_slash(str):
    return os.path.join(str,'')[:-1]
def add_slash(str, action=True):
    if action:
        return os.path.join(str,'')
        return str
def replopt(str):
    for key in opt_repls:
        str = str.replace(key, delete_slash(opt_repls[key]))
    return str

def defopt(name, v, isdir=True):
    options.__dict__[name] = opt_repls[name.upper()] = add_slash(replopt(options.__dict__.get(name) or v), isdir)

defopt('url_base'      , 'http://%s/'%NODENAME)

if not isurl(options.url_base):
    syntax_error('url_base needs to be an URL')

defopt('html_user_url' , 'URL_BASE/PROJECT')
defopt('html_ops_url'  , 'URL_BASE/PROJECT_ops')

defopt('user_name'     , USER, isdir=False)
defopt('project_root'  , HOME+'/projects/PROJECT')
defopt('key_dir'       , options.project_root+'keys')

defopt('db_name'       , 'PROJECT', isdir=False)
defopt('db_user'       , 'USER_NAME', isdir=False)
defopt('db_passwd'     , '', isdir=False)
defopt('db_host'       , '', isdir=False)

print "Creating project '%s' (short name '%s'):" %(project_longname, project_shortname)
for k in [
    print k.upper().rjust(15), "=", options.__dict__[k]

project_root_parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(options.project_root,'..'))
if not os.path.exists(project_root_parent):

if os.path.exists(options.project_root):
    if options.delete_prev_inst:
        if not options.no_query:
            if not query_noyes('Delete %s?'%options.project_root):
                raise SystemExit('Aborted')
        print "Deleting", options.project_root
        raise SystemExit('Project root already exists! Specify --delete_prev_inst --drop_db_first to clobber')

if not options.no_query:
    if not query_yesno("Continue?"):
        raise SystemExit('Aborted')

options.install_method = 'copy'
project = Project(
    options.url_base + project_shortname + '_cgi',
    project_dir = options.project_root,
    master_url = options.html_user_url,
    key_dir = options.key_dir,
    db_name = options.db_name,
    web_only = options.web_only,
    production = True

proot = delete_slash(options.project_root)

# set up default daemons
if options.test_app:
    project.config.daemons.make_node_and_append("daemon").cmd = 'sample_work_generator -d 3'
    project.config.daemons.make_node_and_append("daemon").cmd = 'sample_bitwise_validator -d 3 --app example_app'
    project.config.daemons.make_node_and_append("daemon").cmd = 'sample_assimilator -d 3 --app example_app'

# set up default tasks

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '24 hours'
t.output = 'antique_file_deleter.out'
t.cmd = 'antique_file_deleter -d 2'
t.disabled = 0

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '24 hours'
t.output = 'db_dump.out'
t.cmd = 'db_dump -d 2 --dump_spec ../db_dump_spec.xml'
t.disabled = 1

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '1 days'
t.output = 'update_uotd.out'
t.cmd = 'run_in_ops ./update_uotd.php'
t.disabled = 1

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '1 hour'
t.output = 'update_forum_activities.out'
t.cmd = 'run_in_ops ./update_forum_activities.php'
t.disabled = 1

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '1 days'
t.output = 'update_stats.out'
t.cmd = 'update_stats'
t.disabled = 0

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '24 hours'
t.output = 'update_profile_pages.out'
t.cmd = 'run_in_ops ./update_profile_pages.php'
t.disabled = 1

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '24 hours'
t.output = 'team_import.out'
t.cmd = 'run_in_ops ./team_import.php'
t.disabled = 1

t = project.config.tasks.make_node_and_append("task")
t.period = '24 hours'
t.output = 'notify.out'
t.cmd = 'run_in_ops ./notify.php'
t.disabled = 1


    os.system('cd '+proot+'/html/ops; ./db_schemaversion.php > '+proot+'/db_revision')
    print '''Couldn't set db schema version number'''

    os.system('cd '+proot+'/html/ops; ./update_translations.php -d 1')
    print '''Couldn't install translation files'''

print '''Done installing default daemons.'''

# copy the test app if needed
if options.test_app:
    app_dir = proot+'/apps/example_app/'
    os.system('cp -r ../samples/example_app/bin/* ' + app_dir);
    shutil.copy('example_app_in', proot+'/templates/')
    shutil.copy('example_app_out', proot+'/templates/')
    shutil.copy('../tools/create_work_example', proot+'/bin/')

httpd_conf_template_filename = os.path.join(

print >>open(httpd_conf_template_filename,'w'), '''

    ## Settings for BOINC project %(project_longname)s

    Alias /%(project_shortname)s %(proot)s/html/user
    Alias /%(project_shortname)s_ops %(proot)s/html/ops
    ScriptAlias /%(project_shortname)s_cgi %(proot)s/cgi-bin

    # Note: projects/*/keys/ should NOT be readable!

    <Directory "%(proot)s/html">
        Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride AuthConfig
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    <Directory "%(proot)s/cgi-bin">
        Options ExecCGI
        AllowOverride AuthConfig
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
''' %locals()

htaccess_filename = options.project_root+'/html/ops/.htaccess'
htpasswd_filename = options.project_root+'/html/ops/.htpasswd'

print >>open(htaccess_filename, 'w'), '''
AuthName "%(project_shortname)s"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile %(htpasswd_filename)s
require valid-user

cronjob_filename = os.path.join(
print >>open(cronjob_filename,'w'), '''0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * cd %(proot)s ; %(proot)s/bin/start --cron

readme_filename = os.path.join(

test_app_msg = ''
if options.test_app:
    test_app_msg = '''
-  The project is configured with a test application.
   To install this application (recommended) run:
        cd %(proot)s

xadd_msg = ''
if not options.web_only:
    xadd_msg = '''
-  In the project home directory (%(proot)s) run

compute_msg = ''
if not options.web_only:
    compute_msg = '''

To use this project for your own computations, you'll need to
- Port your application(s) and add them
- Develop programs to submit and handle jobs
See the online documentation at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/

html_user_url = options.html_user_url
html_ops_url = options.html_ops_url

print >>open(readme_filename,'w'), '''Steps to complete installation:

-  Change Apache configuration (as root):

   cat %(httpd_conf_template_filename)s >> /etc/apache/httpd.conf

   (path to httpd.conf varies; try /etc/httpd/ or /etc/apache2)
   Then restart the web server:

   /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart
   (or /usr/sbin/apachectl restart)

-  Add to crontab (as %(USER)s)

    crontab -e

    and add the line:

    0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * cd %(proot)s ; %(proot)s/bin/start --cron

-  Add a .htpasswd file in the project's html/ops directory:
    (You'll need this to access the project's Administrative page)

    htpasswd -c .htpasswd username


To start, show status, and stop the project, run:

The project's URLs are:
Home page (and master URL): %(html_user_url)s
Administrative page:        %(html_ops_url)s

print '''
Done creating project.  Please view
for important additional instructions.