#!/usr/bin/env php . require_once("../project/project.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/uotd.inc"); require_once("../inc/db.inc"); require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); // this causes "cannot modify header" errors //echo date(DATE_RFC822), ": Starting\n"; set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit", "1024M"); db_init(); // TODO: convert to new DB interface $alphabet = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'); // Builds a summary table of user profiles. // // $members is an array of userIDs; // $offset indicates which entry to begin the table with // $numToDisplay indicates how many profiles to display in this table // $cols indicates how many profile summaries should be written per row // $descriptor is an optional file descriptor to write the table to. function show_user_table($members, $offset, $numToDisplay, $cols) { echo "\n"; $rows = ceil($numToDisplay / $cols); $count = $offset; $numMembers = count($members); for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) { if ($count >= $numMembers) { break; } echo "\n"; for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) { if ($count < $numMembers) { $profile = get_profile($members[$count]); if (!$profile) { $numMembers--; continue; } echo ""; $count++; } else { echo ""; } } echo "\n"; } echo "
"; $show_picture = $profile->has_picture; if (profile_screening() && $profile->verification != 1) { $show_picture = false; } if ($show_picture) { echo ""; } else { echo " "; } echo "
\n", get_profile_summary($profile), "
\n"; } // Generates a standard set of links between associated multi-page documents. // All linked files must be of the form "$filename_.html". function write_page_links($filename, $currPageNum, $numPages) { echo "

Page $currPageNum of $numPages

"; $nextPageNum = $currPageNum + 1; $prevPageNum = $currPageNum - 1; // Make the 'previous' and 'next' page links as appropriate. if ($currPageNum > 1) { echo "Previous page"; if ($currPageNum != $numPages) { echo " | "; } } if ($currPageNum != $numPages) { echo "Next page"; } echo "

Jump to Page:\n"; // Make the individual page links (or a bold non-link for the current page). // for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPages; $i++) { if ($i != $currPageNum) { echo "$i\n"; } else { echo "$i\n"; } } } // Generates the html files which comprise the photo gallery. // $room: which gallery to generate (user, computer). // $width: the width of the table of images. // $height: the height of the table of images. // function build_picture_pages($width, $height) { // TODO: Add support for a computer image gallery. // TODO: Standardize "Last modified" string to a function call (util.inc). if (profile_screening()) { $query = "SELECT userid FROM profile WHERE has_picture = 1 AND verification=1 order by userid"; } else { $query = "SELECT userid FROM profile WHERE has_picture = 1 order by userid"; } $result = mysql_query($query); $numIds = mysql_num_rows($result); //echo "Result has $numIds rows.
"; // Build an array of IDs of all users with pictures in their profiles. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $userIds[] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); // don't randomize; makes things hard for people who sift profiles // // if (count($userIds) > 0) { // // Randomize the ordering of users. // shuffle($userIds); // } $numPages = ceil(count($userIds)/($width * $height)); // Make sure that a page is generated even when no profiles with pictures // exist in order to avoid 404 errors from the profile_menu page. if ($numPages == 0) { $numPages = 1; } //echo "Generating $numPages pages.
"; $count = 0; for ($page = 1; $page <= $numPages; $page++) { $filename = PROFILE_PATH . "user_gallery_" . $page . ".html"; open_output_buffer(); page_head("Profile gallery: page $page of $numPages", null, null, "../"); echo "Last updated ", pretty_time_str(time()), "\n

Browse the user profiles by picture. Only user profiles with pictures are listed here."; echo "\n"; for ($row = 0; $row < $height; $row++) { echo ""; for ($col = 0; $col < $width; $col++) { if ($count < $numIds) { echo ""; $count++; } } echo "\n"; if ($count == $numIds) { break; } } echo "
\n"; // Previous and Next links write_page_links("user_gallery", $page, $numPages); page_tail(false, "../"); close_output_buffer($filename); } //echo "

Go to the first generated page."; } // Creates pages grouping user profiles by country. Filenames are of the // format "profile_country__.html" // Also creates a summary page listing all countries which have profiled // members, the number of such members, and links to the created pages for // each country. function build_country_pages() { $query = "select userid from profile"; $result = mysql_query($query); $numIds = 0; // Build a multi-dimensional array of countries, // each element of which contains an array // of the userids who belong to those countries. // Format: array[country][index] = userid. while ($profile = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $user = lookup_user_id($profile->userid); if (!$user) continue; if ($user->country) { $countryMembers[$user->country][] = $user->id; $numIds++; } else { $countryMembers['Other'][] = $user->id; } } mysql_free_result($result); //echo "$numIds users have profiles AND non-null country entries.
"; $countries = array_keys($countryMembers); sort($countries); // Build the pages. // TODO: Define a constant for the desired number of rows per page. foreach ($countries as $country) { $baseFileName = "profile_country_" . get_legal_filename($country); $filePath = PROFILE_PATH; build_profile_pages( $countryMembers[$country], "User Profiles from $country", $country, 5, 2, $filePath, $baseFileName, "../html/" ); } // Build the summary page linking to the individual country pages. build_country_summary_page($countryMembers); //echo "
View Summary Page"; //echo "

Done"; } // Creates pages grouping users by the first letter of their names. function build_alpha_pages() { global $alphabet; $query = "select userid from profile"; $result = mysql_query($query); $numIds = 0; while ($profile = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $user = lookup_user_id($profile->userid); if (!$user) continue; if ($user->name) { $name = ltrim($user->name); $members[strtoupper($name[0])][] = $user->id; $numIds++; } } mysql_free_result($result); //echo "$numIds users have profiles AND non-null country entries.
"; $letters = array_keys($members); foreach ($letters as $letter) { // NOTE: Array indexing is case sensitive. $filePath = PROFILE_PATH; if (in_array($letter, $alphabet)) { build_profile_pages( $members[$letter], "User Profiles - Names beginning with $letter", "Names beginning with $letter", 5, 2, $filePath, "profile_$letter" ); } else { build_profile_pages( $members[$letter], "User Profiles - Names beginning with other characters", "Names beginning with other characters", 5, 2, $filePath, "profile_other" ); } $letters_used[$letter] = 1; } build_alpha_summary_page($letters_used); } // A generalized function to produce some number of pages summarizing a // set of user profiles. function build_profile_pages($members, $pageHead, $pageTitle, $rowsPerPage, $colsPerPage, $filePath, $baseFileName) { $numMembers = count($members); $numPerPage = $rowsPerPage * $colsPerPage; $numPages = ceil(count($members) / $numPerPage); $count = 0; for ($page = 1; $page <= $numPages; $page++) { $filename = $filePath . $baseFileName . "_" . $page . ".html"; open_output_buffer(); $head = $pageHead . ": Page $page of $numPages"; page_head($pageTitle, null, null, "../"); echo "Last updated ", pretty_time_str(time()), "

\n"; $offset = (($page-1) * $rowsPerPage * $colsPerPage); show_user_table($members, $offset, $numPerPage, $colsPerPage); write_page_links($baseFileName, $page, $numPages); page_tail(false, "../"); close_output_buffer($filename); } } function build_country_summary_page($countryMembers) { $countries = array_keys($countryMembers); $filename = PROFILE_PATH . "profile_country.html"; open_output_buffer(); page_head("User Profiles by Country", null, null, "../"); echo "Last updated " . pretty_time_str(time()) . "

"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($countries as $country) { $numMembers = count($countryMembers[$country]); $name = get_legal_filename($country); echo "\n\n"; } echo "
"; page_tail(false, "../"); close_output_buffer($filename); } function build_alpha_summary_page($characters_used) { global $alphabet; $filename = PROFILE_PATH."profile_alpha.html"; open_output_buffer(); foreach ($alphabet as $character) { if (isset($characters_used[$character])) { echo "$character "; unset($characters_used[$character]); } else { echo "$character "; } } // Link to the 'Other' page if necessary. if (!empty($characters_used)) { echo "Other "; } close_output_buffer($filename); } build_country_pages(); build_alpha_pages(); build_picture_pages(GALLERY_WIDTH, GALLERY_HEIGHT); echo date(DATE_RFC822), ": Finished\n"; ?>