The Computational and Storage Potential of Volunteer Computing
David P. Anderson
Submitted for publication
The Challenge of Volunteer Computing With Lengthy Climate Model Simulations
Carl Christensen, Tolu Aina and David Stainforth.
First IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies
5-8 December 2005, Melbourne
High-Performance Task Distribution for Volunteer Computing
David P. Anderson, Eric Korpela, Rom Walton
First IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies
5-8 December 2005, Melbourne
Homogeneous Redundancy: a Technique to Ensure Integrity of Molecular Simulation Results Using Public Computing
M. Taufer, D. Anderson, P. Cicotti, C.L. Brooks III.
from 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'05) Heterogeneous Computing Workshop.
April 4 2005, Denver CO.
Developing Distributed Computing Solutions Combining Grid Computing and Public Computing.
Jakob Gregor Pedersen & Christian Ulrik Søttrup.
Master's thesis from University of Copenhagen.
March 2005.

Describes tools for transparently moving jobs between Condor and BOINC.

BOINC: A System for Public-Resource Computing and Storage
David P. Anderson.
5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing,
November 8, 2004, Pittsburgh, USA.

A more technical paper. Also available in

Public Computing: Reconnecting People to Science
David P. Anderson.
Conference on Shared Knowledge and the Web,
Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 17-19 2003.

A paper about BOINC's goals. Also available in

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