"To give the world's security experts the best tools available for detecting weak hashes. This can help them to force developers to use more secure methods of password protection.",
tra("Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.")
"Collatz Conjecture",
tra("Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"),
tra("California State University Fullerton"),
tra("Factorization of large integers"),
tra("NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. NFS@Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are hundreds of digits long."),
tra("Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)"),
tra("Software testing"),
tra("The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as well as others Lithuanian academic institutions. Current applications involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."),
// array(
// "AQUA@home",
// "http://aqua.dwavesys.com/",
// tra("D-Wave Systems, Inc."),
// tra("Quantum computing"),
// tra("D-Wave's AQUA (Adiabatic QUantum Algorithms) is a research project whose goal is to predict the performance of superconducting adiabatic quantum computers on a variety of hard problems arising in fields ranging from materials science to machine learning. AQUA@home uses Internet-connected computers to help design and analyze quantum computing algorithms, using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques."),
// "logo_dwave2.png"
// ),
// array(
// "SHA-1 Collision Search Graz",
// "http://boinc.iaik.tugraz.at/sha1_coll_search/",
// tra("Graz University of Technology (Austria)"),
// tra("Cryptography"),
// tra("Search for collisions (weaknesses) of the widely-used SHA-1 hash function."),
// "LogoKryptoGroup_klein.jpg"
// ),
tra("Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"),
tra("Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b < c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the product of the distinct prime factors of n. The ABC conjecture says that there are only finitely many a,b,c such that log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h for any real h > 1. The ABC conjecture is currently one of the greatest open problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open problems can be answered directly from it."),
tra("Primegrid is generating a public sequential prime number database, and is searching for large twin primes of the form k*2n+1 and k*2n-1"),
tra("Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"),
tra("Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification of prime numbers"),
"SZTAKI Desktop Grid",
tra("MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"),
tra("Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."),
// array(
// "Riesel Sieve",
// "http://boinc.rieselsieve.com/",
// tra("Riesel Sieve community"),
// tra("Mathematics"),
// tra("Find prime numbers of the form k*2n-1"),
// ""
// ),
// array(
// "Rectilinear Crossing Number",
// "http://dist.ist.tugraz.at/cape5/",
// tra("Graz University of Technology (Austria)"),
// tra("Mathematics"),
// tra("What is the least number of crossings a straight-edge drawing of the complete graph on top of a set of n points in the plane obtains? From very recent (not even published yet) mathematical considerations the rectilinear crossing numbers for n=19 and n=21 are also known. So the most tantalizing problem now is to determine the true value for n=18, which is the main focus of this project."),
// ""
// ),
tra("This project studies Chess 960, a variant of orthodox chess. In classical chess the starting position of the game never changes. In Chess 960, just before the start of every game, the initial configuration of the chess pieces is determined randomly."),
// array(
// "NQueens@home",
// "http://nqueens.ing.udec.cl/",
// tra("Universidad de ConcepciĆ³n, Chile"),
// tra("Mathematics"),
// tra("The eight queens problem consists of trying to place eight queens on a chessboard so that no queen attacks any other queen. I has long been known that there are 92 solutions, of which 12 are distinct. NQueens@home studies the generalization to N queens on an NxN board, for N=19 and greater."),
// "NQueens-Logo1b.png"
// ),
"National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan",
"Sudoku@vtaiwan seeks to solve the minimum Sudoku problem, which is a well-known problem in mathematics and computer science.",
"University of Coimbra, Portugal",
"Web performance",
tra("Surveill@Home is a research project that conducts end-to-end fine-grained monitoring of web sites. The project will deploy thousands of probes, each of which repeatedly performs transactions on web sites. This approach provides end-user failure and performance statistics."),
$areas = array($biomed, $astro_phys_chem, $math, $earth, $mixed, $cogsci);