. // functions for creating and deleting users include_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); include_once("../inc/util.inc"); include_once("../inc/email.inc"); include_once("../inc/recaptchalib.php"); require_once("../inc/password_compat/password.inc"); require_once("../inc/consent.inc"); // Password hash has old format. // Update user record with new format // function do_passwd_rehash($user, $passwd_hash) { $database_passwd_hash = password_hash($passwd_hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $result = $user->update(" passwd_hash='$database_passwd_hash' "); } // return true if the passwd hash (old format) // matches the user's passwd hash (possibly new format) // function check_passwd_hash($user, $passwd_hash) { if (password_verify($passwd_hash, $user->passwd_hash)) { // on valid login, rehash password to upgrade hash overtime // as the defaults change. // if (password_needs_rehash($user->passwd_hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) { do_passwd_rehash($user, $passwd_hash); } } else if ($passwd_hash == $user->passwd_hash) { // user record has old format. Change to new. // do_passwd_rehash($user, $passwd_hash); } else { return false; } return true; } function check_passwd_ui($user, $passwd) { $passwd_hash = md5($passwd.$user->email_addr); if(!check_passwd_hash($user, $passwd_hash)) { sleep(LOGIN_FAIL_SLEEP_SEC); page_head("Password incorrect"); echo "The password you entered is incorrect. Please go back and try again.\n"; page_tail(); exit; } } function is_banned_email_addr($email_addr) { global $banned_email_domains; if (isset($banned_email_domains)) { foreach($banned_email_domains as $d) { $x = strstr($email_addr, $d); if ($x == $d) return true; } } return false; } function is_valid_user_name($name, &$reason) { if (trim($name) !== $name) { $reason = tra("user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"); return false; } if (strlen($name) == 0) { $reason = tra("user name must be nonempty"); return false; } if (sanitize_tags($name) !== $name) { $reason = tra("user name may not contain HTML tags"); return false; } return true; } // the following DB-escapes its args // function make_user( $email_addr, $name, $passwd_hash, $country=null, $postal_code=null, $project_prefs=null, $teamid=0 ) { if (!is_valid_email_addr($email_addr)) return null; if (is_banned_email_addr($email_addr)) return null; $authenticator = random_string(); $cross_project_id = random_string(); $now = time(); if (!is_valid_country($country)) return null; $email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr); $name = sanitize_tags($name); $name = BoincDb::escape_string($name); $database_passwd_hash = password_hash($passwd_hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $country = BoincDb::escape_string($country); $postal_code = sanitize_tags(BoincDb::escape_string($postal_code)); $uid = BoincUser::insert("(create_time, email_addr, name, authenticator, country, postal_code, total_credit, expavg_credit, expavg_time, project_prefs, teamid, venue, send_email, show_hosts, posts, seti_id, seti_nresults, seti_last_result_time, seti_total_cpu, has_profile, cross_project_id, passwd_hash, email_validated, donated) values($now, '$email_addr', '$name', '$authenticator', '$country', '$postal_code', 0, 0, unix_timestamp(), '$project_prefs', $teamid, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '$cross_project_id', '$database_passwd_hash', 0, 0)"); if (!$uid) { return null; } $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($uid); if (defined('RECORD_USER_IP')) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = BoincDb::escape_string($ip); $user->update("venue='$ip'"); } return $user; } function make_user_ldap($email_addr, $name) { $email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr); $name = sanitize_tags($name); $name = BoincDb::escape_string($name); $authenticator = random_string(); $cross_project_id = random_string(); $passwd_hash = random_string(); $now = time(); $uid = BoincUser::insert("(create_time, email_addr, name, authenticator, country, postal_code, total_credit, expavg_credit, expavg_time, project_prefs, teamid, send_email, show_hosts, cross_project_id, passwd_hash) values($now, '$email_addr', '$name', '$authenticator', '', '', 0, 0, unix_timestamp(), '', 0, 1, 1, '$cross_project_id', '$passwd_hash')"); if ($uid) { return BoincUser::lookup_id($uid); } else { return null; } } function show_error($str) { page_head(tra("Can't create account")); echo "$str
\n"; echo BoincDb::error(); echo "

".tra("Click your browser's Back button to try again.")."\n

\n"; page_tail(); exit(); } // validate POST args and make user. // If error show error page and exit. // Else return user object // function validate_post_make_user() { global $recaptcha_private_key; $config = get_config(); if (parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation") || parse_bool($config, "no_web_account_creation") ) { error_page("Account creation is disabled"); } if ($recaptcha_private_key) { if (!boinc_recaptcha_isValidated($recaptcha_private_key)) { show_error( tra("Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again.") ); } } // Check if consent to terms of use has been given. $myconsent = FALSE; $ct = BoincConsentType::lookup("shortname = 'ENROLL'"); $tou_file = "../../terms_of_use.txt"; if ( ($ct) and ($ct->enabled) and file_exists($tou_file) ) { $agree = post_str("agree_to_terms_of_use", true); if (!$agree) { error_page(tra("You have not agreeed to our terms of use. Please agree to the terms of use by navigating back to the previous page, in order to create your account")); } $myconsent = TRUE; } // see whether the new account should be pre-enrolled in a team, // and initialized with its founder's project prefs // $teamid = post_int("teamid", true); if ($teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); $clone_user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); if (!$clone_user) { error_page("User $userid not found"); } $project_prefs = $clone_user->project_prefs; } else { $teamid = 0; $project_prefs = ""; } if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { $invite_code = post_str("invite_code"); if (strlen($invite_code) == 0) { show_error(tra("You must supply an invitation code to create an account.")); } if (!preg_match(INVITE_CODES, $invite_code)) { show_error(tra("The invitation code you gave is not valid.")); } } $new_name = post_str("new_name"); if (!is_valid_user_name($new_name, $reason)) { show_error($reason); } $new_email_addr = strtolower(post_str("new_email_addr")); if (!is_valid_email_addr($new_email_addr)) { show_error(tra("Invalid email address: please enter a valid address of the form name@xxx.yyy")); } $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($new_email_addr); if ($user) { show_error(tra("There's already an account with that email address.")); } $tmpuser = BoincUser::lookup_prev_email_addr($new_email_addr); if ($tmpuser) { show_error(tra("There's already an account with that email address.")); } $passwd = post_str("passwd"); $min_passwd_length = parse_config($config, ""); if (!$min_passwd_length) $min_passwd_length = 6; if (!is_ascii($passwd)) { show_error(tra("Passwords may only include ASCII characters.")); } if (strlen($passwd)<$min_passwd_length) { show_error( tra("New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters.", $min_passwd_length) ); } $passwd_hash = md5($passwd.$new_email_addr); $country = post_str("country", true); if (!$country) { $country = "None"; } if (!is_valid_country($country)) { error_page("bad country"); } if (POSTAL_CODE) { $postal_code = sanitize_tags(post_str("postal_code", true)); } else { $postal_code = ''; } $user = make_user( $new_email_addr, $new_name, $passwd_hash, $country, $postal_code, $project_prefs, $teamid ); if (!$user) { show_error( tra("Couldn't create account").": ".BoincDb::error() ); } if ($myconsent) { $rc = consent_to_a_policy($user, 'ENROLL', 1, 0, 'Webreg'); if (!$rc) { show_error(tra("database error, please contact site administrators")); } } if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { error_log("Account '$new_email_addr' created using invitation code '$invite_code'"); } return $user; } // delete a user and all associated records except // result // host // batch // team // user_submit // user_submit_app // credited_job // donation_paypal // sent_email // function delete_user($user) { delete_profile($user); forum_delete_user($user); // deletes post, thread, subscription, forum_preferences, forum_logging BoincPrivateMessage::delete_aux("userid=$user->id or senderid=$user->id"); BoincNotify::delete_aux("userid=$user->id"); BoincCreditUser::delete_user($user); BoincBadgeUser::delete("user_id=$user->id"); BoincFriend::delete_aux("user_src=$user->id or user_dest=$user->id"); BoincToken::delete_for_user($user->id); $user->delete(); } ?>