. // signup.php: form for creating an account. // Goes to the download page after that. require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/user_util.inc"); require_once("../inc/account.inc"); require_once("../inc/recaptchalib.php"); function join_form() { // Using invitation codes to restrict access? // if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { form_input_text( sprintf('%s', tra("An invitation code is required to create an account."), tra("Invitation code") ), "invite_code" ); } form_input_text( sprintf('%s', tra("Identifies you on this web site. Use your real name or a nickname."), tra("Choose screen name") ), "new_name" ); form_input_text( sprintf('%s', tra("An address where you can receive emails."), tra("Your email address") ), "new_email_addr" ); $min_passwd_length = parse_element(get_config(), ""); if (!$min_passwd_length) { $min_passwd_length = 6; } form_input_text( sprintf('%s', tra("Must be at least %1 characters", $min_passwd_length), tra("Choose password") ), "passwd", "", "password", 'id="passwd"', passwd_visible_checkbox("passwd") ); } // move this somewhere else // function global_prefs_form() { form_radio_buttons( "Use of your computer", "preset", array( array('green', "Green - limit power consumption"), array('standard', "Standard"), array('max', "Maximum"), ), 'standard' ); } function show_join_form() { global $recaptcha_public_key; page_head( sprintf("%s %s", tra("Join"), PROJECT), null, null, null, boinc_recaptcha_get_head_extra() ); form_start("signup.php", "post"); form_input_hidden("action", "join"); join_form(); //global_prefs_form(); if ($recaptcha_public_key) { form_general("", boinc_recaptcha_get_html($recaptcha_public_key)); } form_submit("Join"); form_end(); page_tail(); } function join_action() { $user = validate_post_make_user(); if (!$user) { error_page("Couldn't create user record"); } $preset = post_str("preset", true); if ($preset) { $prefs = compute_prefs_xml($preset); $user->update("global_prefs='$prefs'"); } Header("Location: download.php"); send_cookie('auth', $user->authenticator, false); } $action = post_str('action', true); if ($action == "join") { join_action(); } else { show_join_form(); } ?>