#!/usr/bin/env python

## $Id$

from testbase import *
import urllib, random

# Test makes sure that testing framework is sane:
# - executables compiled
# - cgi server works
# - test proxy works
# - mysql permissions and command-line client works

def read_url(url, quiet=False):
    '''return 1 line from url'''
    verbose_echo(2, "   reading url: "+url)
    err = ''
        return urllib.URLopener().open(url).readline().strip()
    except IOError, e:
        err = e
    except AttributeError:
        # Python urllib is buggy if connection is closed (by our proxy
        # intentionally) right after opened
    if not quiet:
        error("couldn't access url: %s %s" % (url, err))
        verbose_echo(2, "couldn't access url: %s %s" % (url, err))
    return ''

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_msg("framework sanity")

    # verbose_echo(1, "Checking executables")
    # check_core_client_executable()
    # check_app_executable("upper_case")
    # check_app_executable("concat")
    # check_app_executable("1sec")

    verbose_echo(1, "Checking directories")
    for d in ['projects_dir',
              'cgi_dir', 'html_dir', 'hosts_dir']:
        dir = options.__dict__[d]
        if not os.path.isdir(dir):
            error("%s doesn't exist: %s" % (d, dir))

    magic = "Foo %x Bar" % random.randint(0,2**16)

    html_path = os.path.join(options.html_dir, 'test_sanity.txt')
    html_url  = os.path.join(options.html_url, 'test_sanity.txt')
    html_proxy_url = proxerize(html_url)
    cgi_path  = os.path.join(options.cgi_dir,  'test_sanity_cgi')
    cgi_url   = os.path.join(options.cgi_url,  'test_sanity_cgi')

    verbose_echo(1, "Checking webserver setup: non-cgi")
    print >>open(html_path,'w'), magic
    if read_url(html_url) != magic:
        error("couldn't access a file I just wrote: "+html_path+"\n  using url: "+html_url)

    verbose_echo(1, "Checking proxy setup")
    if read_url(html_proxy_url, quiet=True):
        error("Another proxy already running")
        proxy = Proxy('')
        if read_url(html_proxy_url) != magic:
            error("couldn't access file using proxy url: "+html_proxy_url)

            proxy = Proxy('close_connection if $nconnections < 2')
            if read_url(html_proxy_url, quiet=True):
                error("Proxy should have closed connection #1")
                if read_url(html_proxy_url) != magic:
                    error("Proxy should have allowed connection #2")


    verbose_echo(1, "Checking webserver setup: cgi")
    print >>open(cgi_path,'w'), '''#!/bin/sh
echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
echo ""
echo "%s"
''' % magic
    os.chmod(cgi_path, 0755)

    if read_url(cgi_url) != magic:
        error("couldn't access a cgi file I just wrote: "+cgi_path+"\n  using url: "+cgi_url)


    database_name = 'boinc_test_sanity_mysql_%s_%d'%(
        os.environ['USER'], random.randint(0,2**16))

    # create and drop a database
    verbose_echo(1, "Checking mysql commandline and permissions")
    shell_call('echo "create database %s" | mysql' % database_name)
    shell_call('echo "drop database %s" | mysql' % database_name)