// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2013 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . // Check whether a job can be sent to a host #include "credit.h" #include "sched_config.h" #include "sched_hr.h" #include "sched_main.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" #include "sched_send.h" #include "sched_check.h" #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ #include "boinc_fcgi.h" #endif const char* infeasible_string(int code) { switch (code) { case INFEASIBLE_MEM: return "Not enough memory"; case INFEASIBLE_DISK: return "Not enough disk"; case INFEASIBLE_CPU: return "CPU too slow"; case INFEASIBLE_APP_SETTING: return "App not selected"; case INFEASIBLE_WORKLOAD: return "Existing workload"; case INFEASIBLE_DUP: return "Already in reply"; case INFEASIBLE_HR: return "Homogeneous redundancy"; case INFEASIBLE_BANDWIDTH: return "Download bandwidth too low"; } return "Unknown"; } // Return true if the user has set application preferences, // and this job is not for a selected app // bool app_not_selected(WORKUNIT& wu) { unsigned int i; if (g_wreq->preferred_apps.size() == 0) return false; for (i=0; ipreferred_apps.size(); i++) { if (wu.appid == g_wreq->preferred_apps[i].appid) { g_wreq->preferred_apps[i].work_available = true; return false; } } return true; } static inline int check_memory(WORKUNIT& wu) { double diff = wu.rsc_memory_bound - g_wreq->usable_ram; if (diff > 0) { char message[256]; sprintf(message, "%s needs %0.2f MB RAM but only %0.2f MB is available for use.", find_user_friendly_name(wu.appid), wu.rsc_memory_bound/MEGA, g_wreq->usable_ram/MEGA ); add_no_work_message(message); if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [WU#%d %s] needs %0.2fMB RAM; [HOST#%d] has %0.2fMB, %0.2fMB usable\n", wu.id, wu.name, wu.rsc_memory_bound/MEGA, g_reply->host.id, g_wreq->ram/MEGA, g_wreq->usable_ram/MEGA ); } g_wreq->mem.set_insufficient(wu.rsc_memory_bound); g_reply->set_delay(DELAY_NO_WORK_TEMP); return INFEASIBLE_MEM; } return 0; } static inline int check_disk(WORKUNIT& wu) { double diff = wu.rsc_disk_bound - g_wreq->disk_available; if (diff > 0) { char message[256]; sprintf(message, "%s needs %0.2fMB more disk space. You currently have %0.2f MB available and it needs %0.2f MB.", find_user_friendly_name(wu.appid), diff/MEGA, g_wreq->disk_available/MEGA, wu.rsc_disk_bound/MEGA ); add_no_work_message(message); g_wreq->disk.set_insufficient(diff); return INFEASIBLE_DISK; } return 0; } static inline int check_bandwidth(WORKUNIT& wu) { if (wu.rsc_bandwidth_bound == 0) return 0; // if n_bwdown is zero, the host has never downloaded anything, // so skip this check // if (g_reply->host.n_bwdown == 0) return 0; double diff = wu.rsc_bandwidth_bound - g_reply->host.n_bwdown; if (diff > 0) { char message[256]; sprintf(message, "%s requires %0.2f KB/sec download bandwidth. Your computer has been measured at %0.2f KB/sec.", find_user_friendly_name(wu.appid), wu.rsc_bandwidth_bound/KILO, g_reply->host.n_bwdown/KILO ); add_no_work_message(message); g_wreq->bandwidth.set_insufficient(diff); return INFEASIBLE_BANDWIDTH; } return 0; } // Determine if the app is "hard", // and we should send it only to high-end hosts. // Currently this is specified by setting weight=-1; // this is a kludge for SETI@home/Astropulse. // static inline bool hard_app(APP& app) { return (app.weight == -1); } static inline double get_estimated_delay(BEST_APP_VERSION& bav) { int pt = bav.host_usage.proc_type; if (pt == PROC_TYPE_CPU) { return g_request->cpu_estimated_delay; } COPROC* cp = g_request->coprocs.type_to_coproc(pt); return cp->estimated_delay; } // return the delay bound to use for this job/host. // Actually, return two: optimistic (lower) and pessimistic (higher). // If the deadline check with the optimistic bound fails, // try the pessimistic bound. // TODO: clean up this mess // static void get_delay_bound_range( WORKUNIT& wu, int res_server_state, int res_priority, double res_report_deadline, BEST_APP_VERSION& bav, double& opt, double& pess ) { if (res_server_state == RESULT_SERVER_STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { double now = dtime(); if (res_report_deadline < now) { // if original deadline has passed, return zeros // This will skip deadline check. opt = pess = 0; return; } opt = res_report_deadline - now; pess = wu.delay_bound; } else { opt = pess = wu.delay_bound; // If the workunit needs reliable and is being sent to a reliable host, // then shorten the delay bound by the percent specified // if (config.reliable_on_priority && res_priority >= config.reliable_on_priority && config.reliable_reduced_delay_bound > 0.01 ) { opt = wu.delay_bound*config.reliable_reduced_delay_bound; double est_wallclock_duration = estimate_duration(wu, bav); // Check to see how reasonable this reduced time is. // Increase it to twice the estimated delay bound // if all the following apply: // // 1) Twice the estimate is longer then the reduced delay bound // 2) Twice the estimate is less then the original delay bound // 3) Twice the estimate is less then the twice the reduced delay bound if (est_wallclock_duration*2 > opt && est_wallclock_duration*2 < wu.delay_bound && est_wallclock_duration*2 < wu.delay_bound*config.reliable_reduced_delay_bound*2 ) { opt = est_wallclock_duration*2; } } } } // return 0 if the job, with the given delay bound, // will complete by its deadline, and won't cause other jobs to miss deadlines. // static inline int check_deadline( WORKUNIT& wu, APP& app, BEST_APP_VERSION& bav ) { if (config.ignore_delay_bound) return 0; // skip delay check if host currently doesn't have any work // and it's not a hard app. // (i.e. everyone gets one result, no matter how slow they are) // if (get_estimated_delay(bav) == 0 && !hard_app(app)) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] est delay 0, skipping deadline check\n" ); } return 0; } // if it's a hard app, don't send it to a host with no credit // if (hard_app(app) && g_reply->host.total_credit == 0) { return INFEASIBLE_CPU; } // do EDF simulation if possible; else use cruder approximation // if (config.workload_sim && g_request->have_other_results_list) { double est_dur = estimate_duration(wu, bav); if (g_reply->wreq.edf_reject_test(est_dur, wu.delay_bound)) { return INFEASIBLE_WORKLOAD; } IP_RESULT candidate("", wu.delay_bound, est_dur); strcpy(candidate.name, wu.name); if (check_candidate(candidate, g_wreq->effective_ncpus, g_request->ip_results)) { // it passed the feasibility test, // but don't add it to the workload yet; // wait until we commit to sending it } else { g_reply->wreq.edf_reject(est_dur, wu.delay_bound); g_reply->wreq.speed.set_insufficient(0); return INFEASIBLE_WORKLOAD; } } else { double ewd = estimate_duration(wu, bav); if (hard_app(app)) ewd *= 1.3; double est_report_delay = get_estimated_delay(bav) + ewd; double diff = est_report_delay - wu.delay_bound; if (diff > 0) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [WU#%d] deadline miss %d > %d\n", wu.id, (int)est_report_delay, wu.delay_bound ); } g_reply->wreq.speed.set_insufficient(diff); return INFEASIBLE_CPU; } else { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [WU#%d] meets deadline: %.2f + %.2f < %d\n", wu.id, get_estimated_delay(bav), ewd, wu.delay_bound ); } } } return 0; } // Fast checks (no DB access) to see if the job can be sent to the host. // Reasons why not include: // 1) the host doesn't have enough memory; // 2) the host doesn't have enough disk space; // 3) based on CPU speed, resource share and estimated delay, // the host probably won't get the result done within the delay bound // 4) app isn't in user's "approved apps" list // // If the job is feasible, return 0 and fill in wu.delay_bound // with the delay bound we've decided to use. // int wu_is_infeasible_fast( WORKUNIT& wu, int res_server_state, int res_priority, double res_report_deadline, APP& app, BEST_APP_VERSION& bav ) { int retval; // project-specific check // if (wu_is_infeasible_custom(wu, app, bav)) { return INFEASIBLE_CUSTOM; } if (config.user_filter) { if (wu.batch && wu.batch != g_reply->user.id) { return INFEASIBLE_USER_FILTER; } } // homogeneous redundancy: can't send if app uses HR and // 1) host is of unknown HR class, or // 2) WU is already committed to different HR class // if (app_hr_type(app)) { if (hr_unknown_class(g_reply->host, app_hr_type(app))) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] [WU#%d %s] host is of unknown class in HR type %d\n", g_reply->host.id, wu.id, wu.name, app_hr_type(app) ); } return INFEASIBLE_HR; } if (already_sent_to_different_hr_class(wu, app)) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] [WU#%d %s] failed quick HR check: WU is class %d, host is class %d\n", g_reply->host.id, wu.id, wu.name, wu.hr_class, hr_class(g_request->host, app_hr_type(app)) ); } return INFEASIBLE_HR; } } // homogeneous app version // if (app.homogeneous_app_version) { int avid = wu.app_version_id; if (avid && bav.avp->id != avid) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] [WU#%d %s] failed homogeneous app version check: %d %d\n", g_reply->host.id, wu.id, wu.name, avid, bav.avp->id ); } return INFEASIBLE_HAV; } } if (config.one_result_per_user_per_wu || config.one_result_per_host_per_wu) { if (wu_already_in_reply(wu)) { return INFEASIBLE_DUP; } } retval = check_memory(wu); if (retval) return retval; retval = check_disk(wu); if (retval) return retval; retval = check_bandwidth(wu); if (retval) return retval; if (app.non_cpu_intensive) { return 0; } // do deadline check last because EDF sim uses some CPU // double opt, pess; get_delay_bound_range( wu, res_server_state, res_priority, res_report_deadline, bav, opt, pess ); wu.delay_bound = (int)opt; if (opt == 0) { // this is a resend; skip deadline check return 0; } retval = check_deadline(wu, app, bav); if (retval && (opt != pess)) { wu.delay_bound = (int)pess; retval = check_deadline(wu, app, bav); } return retval; } // Do checks that require DB access for whether we can send this job, // and return: // 0 if OK to send // 1 if can't send to this host // 2 if can't send to ANY host // int slow_check( WU_RESULT& wu_result, // the job cache entry. // We may refresh its hr_class and app_version_id fields. APP* app, BEST_APP_VERSION* bavp // the app version to be used ) { int n, retval; DB_RESULT result; char buf[256]; WORKUNIT& wu = wu_result.workunit; // Don't send if we've already sent a result of this WU to this user. // if (config.one_result_per_user_per_wu) { sprintf(buf, "where workunitid=%d and userid=%d", wu.id, g_reply->user.id ); retval = result.count(n, buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "send_work: can't get result count (%s)\n", boincerror(retval) ); return 1; } else { if (n>0) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [USER#%d] already has %d result(s) for [WU#%d]\n", g_reply->user.id, n, wu.id ); } return 1; } } } else if (config.one_result_per_host_per_wu) { // Don't send if we've already sent a result of this WU to this host. // We only have to check this if we don't send one result per user. // sprintf(buf, "where workunitid=%d and hostid=%d", wu.id, g_reply->host.id ); retval = result.count(n, buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "send_work: can't get result count (%s)\n", boincerror(retval) ); return 1; } else { if (n>0) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] already has %d result(s) for [WU#%d]\n", g_reply->host.id, n, wu.id ); } return 1; } } } // Checks that require looking up the WU. // Lump these together so we only do 1 lookup // if (app_hr_type(*app) || app->homogeneous_app_version) { DB_WORKUNIT db_wu; db_wu.id = wu.id; int vals[3]; retval = db_wu.get_field_ints( "hr_class, app_version_id, error_mask", 3, vals ); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "can't get fields for [WU#%d]: %s\n", db_wu.id, boincerror(retval) ); return 1; } // check wu.error_mask // if (vals[2] != 0) { return 2; } if (app_hr_type(*app)) { wu.hr_class = vals[0]; if (already_sent_to_different_hr_class(wu, *app)) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] [WU#%d %s] is assigned to different HR class\n", g_reply->host.id, wu.id, wu.name ); } // Mark the workunit as infeasible. // This ensures that jobs already assigned to an HR class // are processed first. // wu_result.infeasible_count++; return 1; } } if (app->homogeneous_app_version) { int wu_avid = vals[1]; wu.app_version_id = wu_avid; if (wu_avid && wu_avid != bavp->avp->id) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] [HOST#%d] [WU#%d %s] is assigned to different app version\n", g_reply->host.id, wu.id, wu.name ); } wu_result.infeasible_count++; return 1; } } } return 0; } // Check for pathological conditions that mean // result is not sendable at all. // bool result_still_sendable(DB_RESULT& result, WORKUNIT& wu) { int retval = result.lookup_id(result.id); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[RESULT#%d] result.lookup_id() failed: %s\n", result.id, boincerror(retval) ); return false; } if (result.server_state != RESULT_SERVER_STATE_UNSENT) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[RESULT#%d] expected to be unsent; instead, state is %d\n", result.id, result.server_state ); return false; } if (result.workunitid != wu.id) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[RESULT#%d] wrong WU ID: wanted %d, got %d\n", result.id, wu.id, result.workunitid ); return false; } return true; }