#! /usr/local/bin/php <?php //This tests the persistent file transfers for download and upload. It interrupts them in the middle and makes sure that the filesize never decreases along interrupted transfers. include_once("test.inc"); set_time_limit(10000000000); $project = new Project; $user = new User(); $host = new Host($user); $app = new App("upper_case"); $app_version = new App_Version($app); $project->add_user($user); $project->add_app($app); $project->add_app_version($app_version); $project->install(); // must install projects before adding to hosts $host->log_flags = "log_flags.xml"; $host->add_project($project); $host->install(); echo "adding work\n"; $work = new Work($app); $work->wu_template = "uc_wu"; $work->result_template = "uc_result"; $work->redundancy = 2; array_push($work->input_files, "input"); $work->install($project); $project->start_feeder(); //get the path for checking download $source_dir = SRC_DIR; $enc_url = strtr($project->master_url, "/", "_"); $enc_url = substr($enc_url,7,strlen($enc_url)); $path= "$host->host_dir/projects/$enc_url/upper_case"; print "\n the path for checking download is :".$path; $pid = $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle -limit_transfer_rate 2048"); $client_pid = $host->get_new_client_pid(null); assert($pid != -1); $first = 0; $file_size = 0; //Check download while(1) { if(file_exists($path)) { $temp = filesize($path); if($temp < $file_size) { echo "\nfilesize dropped, problem downloading\n"; echo "temp is $temp, file_size is $file_size\n"; break; } else if($temp > $file_size) { print "\n filesize increased, it is : ".$temp; if(($temp > 40000) && ($first ==0)) { print "\n stopping and rerunning the client"; echo "\n now killing client_pid : $client_pid"; $host->kill($client_pid, null); $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle -limit_transfer_rate 2048"); $client_pid = $host->get_new_client_pid($client_pid); echo "\nNow executing : $client_pid"; $first++; } } $file_size = $temp; if($file_size == filesize("$source_dir/apps/upper_case")) { echo "\n download test succeeded"; break; } } } $file_size = 0; $path= "$project->project_dir/upload/uc_wu_0_0"; $first =0; print "\nupload path is: ".$path; echo "\n Now checking upload"; while(1) { // echo "\n checking upload"; if(file_exists($path)) { // echo "\nfile exists is download"; $temp = filesize($path); if($temp < $file_size) { echo "\nfilesize dropped, problem uploading\n"; echo "temp is $temp, file_size if $file_size\n"; break; } if($temp > $file_size) { print "\n filesize increased, it is : ".$temp; if(($temp > 20000) && ($first ==0)) { print "\n stopping and rerunning the client"; print "\nkilling $client_pid"; $host->kill($client_pid,null); $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle -limit_transfer_rate 2048"); $client_pid = $host->get_new_client_pid($client_pid); echo "\nnew client_pid is $client_pid"; $first++; } } $file_size = $temp; if($file_size == filesize("$source_dir/test/uc_correct_output")) { print "\n all of the files has been uploaded"; print "\n stopping and rerunning the client"; $host->kill($client_pid, null); $host->run("-exit_when_idle"); break; } } } $project->stop(); $result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER; $result->stderr_out = "APP: upper_case: starting, argc 1"; $result->exit_status = 0; $project->check_results(2, $result); $project->compare_file("uc_wu_0_0", "uc_correct_output"); $project->compare_file("uc_wu_1_0", "uc_correct_output"); ?>