In BOINC, the process of validation does two things:

A validator is a daemon program. You must supply a validator for each application in your project, and include it in the <daemons> section of your project configuration file.

Depending on various factors, you may be able to use a standard validator that comes with BOINC, or you may have to develop a custom validator.

Two standard validators are supplied:

Command-line arguments

A validator (either standard or custom) has the following command-line arguments: "; list_start(); list_item("-app appname", "Name of the application"); list_item("[ -one_pass_N_WU N ]", "Validate at most N WUs, then exit"); list_item("[ -one_pass ]", "Make one pass through WU table, then exit"); list_item("[ -mod n i ]", "Process only WUs with (id mod n) == i. This option lets you run multiple instances of the validator for increased performance." ); list_item("[ -max_claimed_credit X ]", "If a result claims more credit than this, mark it as invalid." ); list_item("[ -max_granted_credit X ]", "Grant no more than this amount of credit to a result." ); list_item("[ -grant_claimed_credit ]", "If set, grant the claimed credit, regardless of what other results for this workunit claimed. These is useful for projects where different instances of the same job can do much different amounts of work." ); list_end(); page_tail(); ?>