Files and data servers

The BOINC storage model is based on files. Examples of files:

The BOINC core client transfers files to and from project-operated data servers using HTTP.

Once a file is created (on a data server or a participant host) it is immutable. This means that all replicas of that file are assumed (and required) to be identical. If a file is changed, even by a single byte, it becomes a new file, and must be given a different name than the original.

File properties

Files have various properties, including: File properties are specified in XML elements that appear, for example, in workunit templates.

File references

In addition to the properties of a file itself, there are several properties of the way a particular application uses a file; this is called a file reference. File reference properties are specified in XML elements.

File management

BOINC's default behavior is to delete files when they aren't needed any more. Specifically:

Compression of input files

Starting with version 5.4, the BOINC client is able to handle HTTP Content-Encoding types 'deflate' (zlib algorithm) and 'gzip' (gzip algorithm). The client decompresses these files 'on the fly' and stores them on disk in uncompressed form.

You can use this in two ways:

Both methods store files uncompressed on the client. If you need compression on the client, you must do it at the application level. The BOINC source distribution includes a version of the zip library designed for use by BOINC applications on any platform.

Compression of output files

If you include the <gzip_when_done> tag in an output file description, the file will be gzip-compressed after it has been generated. "; page_tail(); ?>