function show_forum_rss_item($thread, $userid, $threads_only, $truncate) {
$clause2 = " and hidden=0 ";
if ($userid) $clause2 .= "and user=$userid";
if ($threads_only) {
$posts = BoincPost::enum("thread=$thread->id $clause2 order by id limit 1");
} else {
$posts = BoincPost::enum("thread=$thread->id $clause2 order by timestamp desc limit 1");
if (!count($posts)) return;
$post = $posts[0];
$post_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$post->timestamp).' GMT';
$t = bb2html($post->content, true);
if ($truncate) {
if (strlen($post->content) > 256) {
$t = substr($post->content, 0, 256).". . .";
//$t = htmlspecialchars($t);
echo "-
function forum_rss($forumid, $userid, $truncate, $threads_only, $ndays) {
$clause = "forum=$forumid ";
if ($userid) {
$user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid);
if (!$user) error_page("no such user");
$clause .= " and owner=$userid";
$tlimit = time() - $ndays*86400;
if ($threads_only) {
$q = "$clause and status=0 and hidden=0 and sticky=0 and create_time > $tlimit order by create_time desc";
} else {
$q = "$clause and status=0 and hidden=0 and sticky=0 and timestamp > $tlimit order by timestamp desc";
$threads = BoincThread::enum($q);
// Get unix time that last modification was made to the news source
// Now construct header
header ("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+86400) . " GMT");
if (sizeof($threads)) {
$t = $threads[0];
$last_mod_time = $threads_only?$t->create_time:$t->timestamp;
$create_date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $last_mod_time) . ' GMT';
header ("Last-Modified: " . $create_date);
header ("Content-Type: application/xml");
// Create channel header and open XML content
$description = PROJECT.": $forum->title";
if ($userid) {
$description .= " (posts by $user->name)";
$channel_image = URL_BASE . "rss_image.gif";
$language = "en-us";
echo "
// write news items
foreach ($threads as $thread) {
show_forum_rss_item($thread, $userid, $threads_only, $truncate);
echo "