. // 2nd phase of the "join" process. // The user has created an account. // Now see if they need to download BOINC. require_once("../inc/util.inc"); // return the URL of a script on the BOINC web site // that will send the needed cookies // and optionally download the appropriate installer, // function concierge_url($user, $download) { global $master_url; $project_name = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $project_desc = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $project_inst = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $user = get_logged_in_user(false); $x = "http://boinc.berkeley.edu/concierge.php"; $x .= "?master_url=".urlencode($master_url); $x .= "&project_name=".urlencode($project_name); if ($project_desc) { $x .= "&project_desc=".urlencode($project_desc); } if ($project_inst) { $x .= "&project_inst=".urlencode($project_inst); } if ($user) { $x .= "&auth=".urlencode($user->authenticator); $x .= "&user_name=".urlencode($user->name); } if ($download) { $x .= "&download=1"; if (parse_bool(get_config(), "need_vbox")) { $x .= "&need_vbox=1"; } } return $x; } function show_download_page() { page_head("Download required software"); $config = get_config(); $need_vbox = parse_bool($config, "need_vbox"); $mcv = parse_config($config, ""); $dlv = "BOINC"; $dl = "BOINC"; if ($mcv) { $dlv .= " version " . version_string_maj_min_rel($mcv). " or later"; } $verb = "this is"; if ($need_vbox) { $dl .= " and VirtualBox"; $dlv .= " and VirtualBox"; $verb = "these are"; } echo "To participate in ".PROJECT.", $dlv must be installed.

If $verb already installed, click here. Otherwise

"; show_button("download.php?action=download", "Download $dl"); echo "

When the download is finished, open the downloaded file to install BOINC. "; page_tail(); } // User says needed software is installed. // Send cookies and tell user to run manager // function show_installed_page($user) { $url = concierge_url($user, false); page_head("Add project"); echo " To start running ".PROJECT." on this computer:

  • Open the BOINC Manager.
  • Select Add Project.
  • You should see a welcome message; click OK.
"; page_tail(); } function download($user) { $url = concierge_url($user, true); Header("Location: $url"); } $user = get_logged_in_user(); $action = get_str("action", true); if ($action == "installed") { show_installed_page($user); exit; } if ($action == "download") { download($user); } show_download_page(); ?>