# Specify a generic set of rules to help avoid line feed issues across # various IDEs. # # Random stuff * text=auto # Source files # *.cpp text eol=lf *.h text eol=lf *.rc text eol=lf *.php text eol=lf *.xpm text eol=lf *.cu text eol=lf *.cl text eol=lf *.c text eol=lf *.hpp text eol=lf # Project files # *.vcproj text eol=crlf *.vcxproj text eol=crlf *.sln text eol=crlf *.rules text eol=crlf *.bat text eol=crlf *.cmd text eol=crlf *.ac text eol=lf *.am text eol=lf *.in text eol=lf *.m4 text eol=lf *Makefile* text eol=lf *.mk text eol=lf # Commit Notes # checkin_notes text eol=lf checkin_notes_2012 text eol=lf # Misc files # *.txt text eol=lf *.xml text eol=lf *.po text eol=lf *.log text eol=lf *.rtf text eol=lf *.rul text eol=crlf CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md text eol=crlf