. require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/account.inc"); require_once("../inc/delete_account.inc"); require_once("../inc/token.inc"); require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/user_util.inc"); $config = get_config(); if (!parse_bool($config, "enable_delete_account")) { error_page( tra("This feature is disabled. Please contact the project administrator.") ); } function delete_account_confirm_form() { // Make sure the token is still valid // $userid = get_int("id"); $token = get_str("token"); if (!is_delete_account_token_valid($userid, $token)) { error_page( tra("The token you used has expired or is otherwise not valid. Please request a new one here") ); } page_head(tra("Delete Account")); echo "

".tra("Thank you for verifying ownership of your account.")."

" ."

".tra("You can now delete your account by entering in your password below and clicking the \"Delete Account\" button.")."

" ."

".tra("As a reminder, your account cannot be recovered once you delete it.")."

" ."
"; form_start(secure_url_base()."delete_account_confirm.php", "post"); form_input_hidden("token", $token); form_input_hidden("id", $userid); form_input_text(tra("Password"), "passwd", "", "password", 'id="passwd"', passwd_visible_checkbox("passwd")); form_submit(tra("Delete Account")); form_end(); page_tail(); } function delete_account_confirm_action() { // Make sure the token is still valid // $userid = post_int("id"); $token = post_str("token"); if (!is_delete_account_token_valid($userid, $token)) { error_page( tra("The token you used has expired or is otherwise not valid. Please request a new one here") ); } // Verify password // $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); $passwd = post_str("passwd"); check_passwd_ui($user, $passwd); if (delete_account($user)) { error_page( tra("Failed to delete your account. Please contact the project administrator.") ); } page_head(tra("Account Deleted")); echo "

".tra("Your account has been deleted. If you want to contribute to %1 in the future you will need to create a new account.",PROJECT)."

"; page_tail(); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { delete_account_confirm_action(); } else { delete_account_confirm_form(); } ?>