simple validator framework is sufficient in almost all cases. If for some reason you need more control, you can use the low-level framework (on which the simple framework is based).
To make a validator program using the low-level framework, link validator.C with two application-specific functions:
", htmlspecialchars(" int check_set( vectorresults, DB_WORKUNIT& wu, int& canonicalid, double& credit, bool& retry ); "), "
Use BOINC's back-end utility functions (in sched/validate_util.C) to get file pathnames and to distinguish recoverable and nonrecoverable file-open errors.
", htmlspecialchars(" int check_pair(RESULT& new_result, RESULT& canonical_result, bool& retry); "), "
Neither function should delete files or access the BOINC database.
Examples of these two functions may be found in validate_util2.C, which implements the simple validator framework.
More detailed information is here. "; page_tail(); ?>