isSpecialUser(S_MODERATOR)) { // Can't moderate without being moderator error_page("You are not authorized to moderate this post."); } $post = new Post(get_int('id')); $thread = $post->getThread(); page_head('Forum'); //start form echo "
getID()." method=POST>\n"; start_table(); row1("Moderate post"); if (get_str('action')=="hide") { //display input that selects reason echo ""; row2("", "Select the reason category, optionally write a longer describtion of why you delete the post and then press ok to hide it."); row2("Category", ""); } elseif (get_str('action')=="move") { echo ""; row2("Destination thread ID:", ""); //todo display where to move the post as a dropdown instead of having to get ID } else { error_page( "Unknown action"); } row2("Reason
Mailed if nonempty", ""); row2( "", "" ); end_table(); echo "
"; page_tail(); ?>