require_once("docutil.php"); page_head("update_versions"); echo "
releases new application versions.
It makes the needed database entries and copies files
to the download directory.
To use:
scans these directories for new application versions.
File names must be of the form NAME_VERSION_PLATFORM[.ext]
, e.g.:
boinc_3.17_i686-pc-linux-gnu.gz astropulse_7.17_windows_intelx86.exeThe prefix name and extensions .gz, .exe, .sit are ignored. Platform strings must match the names of platforms in the database.
TO DO: check for code signature files.
NOTE: the files distributed in this way are installers, not executables. Instructions for creating installers are here.
NOTE: in the interests of consistency, we recommend that BOINC projects not distribute core client versions, but rather set the 'Download BOINC' link on their web page to point to the download page on the main BOINC site. "; page_tail(); ?>