BOINC's RPC mechanisms have the following conventions:

Account creation

The following RPCs are used to create accounts, typically as part of an Account Management System.

Create account

"; list_start(); list_item("URL", "project_url/create_account.php"); list_item( "input", "email_addr: email address
passwd_hash: the MD5 hash of the concatenation of the user's password and the email address.
user_name: the user name "); list_item( "output", html_text(" [ N ] [ XXX ] ") ); list_item( "action", "If the project already has an account with that email address, and a different password, it returns an error. If an account with that email address exists and has the same password, it returns the authenticator. Otherwise the project creates an account and returns the authenticator. "); list_end(); echo "

Query/modify existing account

Get account info

"; list_start(); list_item("URL", "project_url/am_get_info.php"); list_item("input", "account_key"); list_item("output", html_text(" ID NAME COUNTRY POSTAL_CODE GLOBAL_PREFS PROJECT_PREFS URL SEND_EMAIL SHOW_HOSTS N or MSG ") ); list_item("action", "returns data associated with the given account"); list_end(); echo "

Set account info

"; list_start(); list_item("URL", "project_url/am_set_info.php"); list_item("input", "account_key
[ name ]
[ country ]
[ postal_code ]
[ global_prefs ]
[ project_prefs ]
[ url ]
[ send_email ]
[ show_hosts ]
[ teamid ] zero means quit current team, if any " ); list_item("output", html_text(" [ MSG ] [ ] ") ); list_item("action", "updates one or more items of data associated with the given account" ); list_end(); echo "

Get account/host credit information

"; list_start(); list_item("URL", "project/show_user.php?userid=X&format=xml or project/show_user.php?auth=X&format=xml" ); list_item("input", "user ID or account key" ); list_item("output", html_text(" 918948493 Joe Smith United States 3806.869739 200 1110833427.64028 114322 1 or 1 1101918807 David United States 0.293197 0.000883 1116963330.83107 0 1 0 0 0 Sorabji 1 Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.20GHz Pentium 330806175.78458 409200165.535107 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition, Service Pack 2, (05.01.2600.00) ") ); list_item("action", "Returns into about an account. If called with the account key, returns a list of hosts associated with the account." ); list_end(); page_tail(); ?>