Computing power
Top 100 · Single-computer · Other lists
"; show_totals(); include("piecharts/$i.html"); echo ""; } function show_totals() { $fn = "boinc_state.xml"; if (!file_exists($fn) || filemtime($fn) < time()-86400) { $x = file_get_contents(""); if ($x) { $f = fopen($fn, "w"); fwrite($f, $x); } else return; } $x = file_get_contents($fn); $users = parse_element($x, ""); $hosts = parse_element($x, ""); $credit_day = parse_element($x, ""); $users = number_format($users); $hosts = number_format($hosts); $teraflops = number_format($credit_day/100000, 2); echo "Active: $users volunteers, $hosts computers.
24-hour average: $teraflops TeraFLOPS.
"; } function show_news_items() { require_once("boinc_news.php"); require_once("../html/inc/"); echo "
"; $nnews_items = 6; show_news($project_news, $nnews_items); if (count($project_news) > $nnews_items) { echo "... more\n"; } echo "

News is available as an RSS feed \"RSS

"; } function show_participate() { echo "
".tr(HOME_DOWNLOAD)." · Help · Documentation

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P1), "

  1. ", "", "
  2. ", "", "
  3. ", "")."

".sprintf(tr(HOME_P2), "", "", "", "", "", "")." "; } function show_create() { echo "

Compute with BOINC
Documentation · Updates · Conferences
Related software:
  • Bolt: middleware for web-based education and training
  • Bossa: middleware for distributed thinking projects
"; } function show_other() { echo "
The BOINC project

"; } function show_nsf() { echo " \"NSF BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards SCI-0221529, SCI-0438443, SCI-0506411, PHY/0555655, and OCI-0721124. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. "; } // how to add language names: // paste into notepad++, select ANSI format, // then copy/paste into here function language_form() { echo "
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\"BOINC ".sprintf(tr(HOME_BOINC_DESC), '', '', '', '')."
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"; echo "
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