Profiles let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the " . PROJECT . " community. Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own views for others to enjoy.

If you haven't already, you can create your own user profile for others to see! "; rowify("
"); start_table_noborder(); $today = getdate(time()); $UOTD_heading = "User of the Day -- " . $today['month'] . " " . $today['mday'] . ", " . $today['year']; row1($UOTD_heading); echo ""; $profile = get_current_uotd(); if ($profile) { $user = lookup_user_id($profile->userid); echo uotd_thumbnail($profile, $user); echo user_links($user)."
"; echo sub_sentence(output_transform(strip_tags($profile->response1)), ' ', 150, true); } echo ""; rowify("
"); row1("User Profile Explorer"); echo "

"; row1("Search profile text"); rowify("
"); end_table(); page_tail(); function select_profile($cmd) { // Request for a random profile. // if ($cmd == "rand") { $profiles = array(); if ($_GET['pic'] == 0) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=0", "limit 1000"); } else if ($_GET['pic'] == 1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=1", "limit 1000"); } else if ($_GET['pic'] == -1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum(null, "limit 1000"); } if (count($profiles) == 0) { page_head("No profiles"); echo "No profiles matched your query.
"; page_tail(); exit(); } shuffle($profiles); $userid = $profiles[0]->userid; header("Location: ".URL_BASE."view_profile.php?userid=$userid"); exit(); } } ?>